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汉语名词动用中的句法机制研究 节选

《汉语名词动用中的句法机制研究》内容简介:Chinese denominal verbs (DNVs for short) are amenable to an L-syntactic analysis, which is accommodated in a theoretical framework that comprises an overt syntactic operation and two light syntactic categories. The former is V-bar pied-piping, i.e. the head V, when it raises, may optionally pied-pipe its Complement, but stranding the Specifier of its Complement. The operation works as an alternative to the standard way for verb movement under certain licensing conditions and enjoys extensive empirical support. The latter includes proto-verbs,which we separate from categories such as the CFC v and auxiliary verbs, and null prepositions, which, in our argument, may mediate between an intransitive verb and a nominal phrase following it.

汉语名词动用中的句法机制研究 相关资料

插图:Hale & Keyser (1993, 1997, 1999) adopt the position that universalgrammar plays a role in specifying the principles that constrain theconstruction of word meanings though it does not specify wordmeanings themselves. So word meanings arise from the interaction oflinguistic predispositions with empirical experience. Basing their ar-gument mainly on an analysis of the semantic structure of DNVs(such as unergative verbs calve, dance, sing, etc. and "put" verbs suchas shelve, corral, saddle, coat, etc.) and of deadjectival verbs (such asclear, widen, etc.), Hale & Keyser take the semantic construction ofthese verbs to be completely governed by syntactic principles. A verbhas a Lexical Relational Structure (shortened as LRS hereafter), withinwhich the verb's relation to other constituents is fully determined. TheLSR itself follows from syntactic principles such as Kayne's (1984)Unambiguous Paths, Larson's (1988) Single Complement Hypothesisand Chomsky's (1986) Full Interpretation. "There is no 'thematic roleassignment', apart from predication; and there are no 'thematic roles',apart from the lexical relations expressed in unambiguous, fully in-terpreted projections of elementary lexical categories" (Hale & Keyser1993: 93-4). The formation of DNVs results from syntactic operationsthat observe the same syntactic principles as basic or underived verbsdo in undergoing syntactic operations. Any violation of syntacticprinciples, e.g. Head Movement Constraint (shortened as HMC here-after), Empty Category Principle (shortened as ECP hereafter), etc.,would give rise to "impossible words".


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