图书馆与社会(上海1840-1949)英文作者:吴建中 开 本:大32开 书号ISBN:9787811185577 定价:48.0 出版时间:2010-01-01 出版社:上海大学出版社 |
图书馆与社会(上海1840-1949)英文 本书特色
图书馆与社会(上海1840-1949)英文 内容简介
图书馆与社会(上海1840-1949)英文 目录
introductory -- the bibliophiles and their library activity in the early history of shanghaithe cangshulou and the bibliophiles
characteristics of the cangshulou
chapter one -- the early foreign libraries
the social situation during the city's formation
cultural activity and the role of the missionaries
the establishment of foreign libraries
the public library, s. m.c. (1849-1912)
other foreign libraries
acquisition of sinological materials
reading needs of the foreign community
book organization
library management
chaffer two -- the rise of modern chinese librarianship
social background
moves towards modern libraries
the origin of chinese libraries in shanghai
libraries and publishing
libraries for preserving the national heritage
libraries and education
libraries and society
yuzhai tushuguan
foreign libraries
general trends of the library development in this period
chapter three -- library participation in social life
social background
national situation in librarianship
popular library movement in shanghai
private libraries opening to public
special libraries
christian libraries
other foreign libraries
university and college libraries
school libraries
shanghai library association and its activity
chapter four -- the prime of city librarianship
social background
the library situation
the birth of municipal libraries in shanghai
new restrictions on private libraries
popular libraries
educational libraries
society and institute libraries
official libraries
public library, smc
chapter five -- libraries during the war
japanese attacks on shanghai
destruction of books and libraries
the library scene in the lonely island
the newly-founded libraries
the library situation in occupied shanghai
chapter six -- libraries in the post-war period: 1946-1949
social situation
libraries in crisis
restoration of the shanghai municipal library
the zhonghua sparetime library
the oriental economics library
the final post-war phase
list of sources
图书馆与社会(上海1840-1949)英文 作者简介
吴建中,上海图书馆馆长,上海科技情报研究所所长。中国2010年上海世博会主题演绎顾问,上海市图书馆行业协会会长,中国图书馆学会副理事长,国家社科基金评审委员,南京政治学院兼职教授、博士生导师。国际图联管理委员会、出版委员会和专业委员会委员(2001年-2005年),《IFLA Journal》、《Libri》杂志编委,日本《终身教育与图书馆》杂志编委。2002年获国务院专家特殊津贴。 近期主要新作有:《世博文化解读》、《世博会主题演绎》、《公共图书馆发展战略思考》、《世界经典图书馆建筑》、《21世纪图书馆》、《图书馆发展十大热门话题:策略思考》。
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