发展关于教师的专业知识作者:赵宏琴著 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787308068543 定价:30.0 出版时间:2009-06-01 出版社:浙江大学出版社 |
发展关于教师的专业知识 本书特色
发展关于教师的专业知识 目录
Chapter One Introduction: Understanding Teachersin Changing ContextsChapter Two Navigating the Conceptual LandscapeMapping the FieldThe Knowledge-base for TeachersThe Teachers' VoicesImages and MetaphorsStories and FolkwaysLife-history and Critical IncidentsChapter Three Life-history Narrative Perspective Approaches to Studying Teachers What Is Life-history Narrative Perspective?On Narrative Life-history The Main Issues with Narrative PerspectivesWhy Life-history Narrative Perspective?Ethics and TrustworthinessChapter Four Diachronic AnalysisUnderstanding Life-history Narrative as DataDiachronic and Synchronic FrameworkA Case of Intergenerational Analysis of Three Teachers.Change and ContinuityLife-history as Learning to TeachChapter Five Synchronic AnalysisNarrative Accounts of Two Novice TeachersNarrative Accounts of Five Experienced Teachers Narrative Accounts of a Veteran TeacherChapter Six Pedagogy as CaringCaring and Grammar TeachingCare for Those Who CareChapter Seven Post-epiphanyAppendix 1 A Sample of Biographic-narrative InterviewAppendix 2 A Sample Follow-up ConversationReferencesList of DiagramsDiagram 1: Narrative research: th~ee-dimensional natureDiagram 2: Diachronic and synchronic analysis with metaphor, life-story and critical incidentDiagram 3: A chart of key metaphors of the three generational teachersDiagram 4: Pedagogy intertwined with caring and grammar teaching发展关于教师的专业知识 节选
社会科学 教育 中国教育
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