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2014-中国国际私法与比较法年刊-(第十七卷) 本书特色


2014-中国国际私法与比较法年刊-(第十七卷) 目录

专论国际私法之可接受性及所涉主体问题探析董作春()欧盟国际私法的新进展——《布鲁塞尔条例i》的修正甘勇()论大陆法系国家侵权冲突立法的现代化——以修正“侵权行为地法规则”为中心许凯()冲突法研究论涉外民事法律适用中法律选择准则问题翁杰()论我国涉外合同形式要件的法律适用黄晖()论中国加入《海牙遗嘱处分方式法律适用公约》之可行性罗国强()on autonomy of will and the applicable law of labor contract:from the perspective of chinese legislationfan jiaoyan()比较法研究德国《股份法》上的股东派生诉讼制度葛平亮()德国法上股东大会决议的无效和可撤销制度以及对我国的启示唐晓琳()国际民商事争议解决论投资仲裁的公法性余海鸥()论icsid仲裁的利益保护偏失及矫正刘梦非()国际投资自由化背景下icsid仲裁管辖权的扩展及其应对——基于投资与投资者国籍的分析李沣桦()论国际投资中间接征收的认定标准——以中国为视角李英于迪()两岸相互认可及执行仲裁判断和调解协议的现况与展望陈希佳()handling corruption in international commercial arbitrationzheng sophia tang()评介与资料2013年中国国际私法司法实践述评黄进童立雪杜焕芳()中国商事仲裁年度观察(2013)宋连斌沈红雨肖芳彭丽明()国外国际私法发展前沿年度综述(2012~2013)杜涛()国际私法:从理论到实践——暨2014年中国国际私法学会年会综述郭玉军李媛车英()**届全国高校国际私法学教学与教材研讨会综述杜焕芳朱敏任海燕()捷克共和国2012年1月25日《关于国际私法的法律》邹国勇译()《阿曼苏丹国民法典》(节录)邹国勇译()欧洲议会与欧盟理事会2013年5月21日《关于在线解决消费者争议并修正第2006/2004号条例及第2009/22号指令的第524/2013号条例》邹国勇李俊夫译()约稿启事()the problems of acceptability of private international law and the bodies involved in acceptabilitydong zuochun()the latest development of private international law in eu: the amendment to regulation brussels iganyong()modernization of legislation of conflict law on tort in civil law countries: focused on the amendments to the rule of lex loci delictixukai()conflict of law studieson the criterion of legal choice in the application of law to foreign related civil matterswengjie()a study on the law applicable to the contractual form with foreign elements in chinahuanghui()on the possibility of china’s accession to the hague convention on the conflicts of laws relating to the form of testamentary dispositionsluo guoqiang()on autonomy of will and the applicable law of labor contract:from the perspective of chinese legislationfan jiaoyan()comparative law studiesthe shareholder derivative suit under the german stock corporation actge pingliang()the nullity and revocation of the resolution of shareholders meeting under german law and their implications to chinatang xiaolin()resolution of international civil and commercial disputeson the public law nature of investment arbitrationyu hai’ou()theory of unbalanced protection of interests in icsid arbitration and the correctionsliu mengfei()the expansion of the arbitration jurisdiction icsid and its response under the background of international investment liberalization : based on the analysis of investment and investors’ nationalitiesli fenghua()on the identification criterion of indirect expropriation in international investment:from the perspective of chinali ying & yu di()the current status and future possible developments with regards to cross?strait mutual recognition and enforcement of arbitration awards and mediated settlement agreementschen helena()handling corruption in international commercial arbitrationzheng sophia tang()comment and informationreview of judicial practice in chinese private international law in 2013huang jin, tong lixue & du huanfang()annual observations on the commercial arbitration in china in 2013song lianbin, shen hongyu, xiao fang & peng liming()annual review on the development frontiers of overseas private international law (2012-2013)du tao()private international law: from theory to practice & the summary on annual meeting of china society of private international law in 2014guo yujun, li yuan & che ying()summary on the first symposium of teaching & teaching materials of private international law in colleges and universities in whole chinadu huanfang, zhu min & ren haiyan()act of the czech republic of 25 january 2012 on private international lawtranslated by zou guoyong()the civil code of the sultanate of oman (abstract)translated by zou guoyong()regulation (eu) no. 534/2013 of the european parliament and of the council of 21 may 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending regulation (ec) no. 2006/2004 and directive 2009/22/ectranslated by zou guoyong & li junfu()

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