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我们为什么需要宪法?-世界宪法研究-(第四辑) 本书特色

in the contemporary world, constitutional law is a conception which has almost been accepted by all sovereign countries. either a written constitution or an unwritten constitution, has influenced the people's lives and political activities in a sovereign country. there have been different models of exercising constitutional law based on different legal cultures. we have been familiar with the federal constitution of the us,german basic law and french constitution of 1958 in the traditional meaning and the constitution of the south africa , british human rights law in the modem sense.

我们为什么需要宪法?-世界宪法研究-(第四辑) 目录

preamblewhy do we need constitutional law?preambulepourquoi avons- nous besoin du droit constitutionnel?part i  economic , social and cultural rightsright to food and safety of food in chinaconstitutional and legal protection of culturalrights in chinawho pays the bills for women's housework?a human rights perspectiveone kind of actual dilemma: power of deciding ona holiday or right to rest and leisure?constitutional assurance for environmental rightsof chinese citizenspart ii  constitutional law and human rightsconstitutional dimensions of human rightsprotectionreconstruction of the pattern of judicial protectionof human rights in chinathe protection and restriction of chinese civil rightof actionresearch on the guarantee mechanism for the guizhouminority's right to educationproblems faced by china on the protection of the rightsof aliens and basic concepts for its future approachesactuality and prospects of judicial guarantee of humanrights in chinapart iii  international law and human rightson the application of theory of state responsibilityin the international human rights lawrights of non -citizens: from international law toconstitutionsinternational terrorist threats against china and theirchallenges to china's constitutionalized foreign policiespart iv  constitutional law and constitutional functionsthe function of constitutional amendment intransitional societyon the problems arising from the abuse of the admin -istrative emergency power and the solution thereofthe role of the power of police and its regulationin chinaon the significance and function of emergency clause ofthe constitution to anti -terrorism--problems andimprovement of emergency clause of chinese constitutionfrom the perspective of anti -terrorismthe application of wto rules in chinese courts:improvements through judicial interpretation.9constitutional order : meta - order of internationalcommunity--analysis of concepts and relations ofdomestic and international constitutional orders from threeperspectives 



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