
首页 > 图书 > 人文社科类图书/2020-06-17 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]



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7.2 deviant cases
7.2.1 you go ahead with your business
7.2.2 i will not get myself into troubles
7.3 ending smoothly vs. ending problematically
8 individual talk
8.1 what is individual talk
8.2 the process of individual talk
8.2.1 the opening and the closing
8.2.2 to what ends
8.3 two-way talking or one-way precaution-taking
8.3.1 topic control
8.3.2 tag questions
8.3.3 role attribution
9 dialogue between prison counseling and individual talk
9.1 features that are culturally specific
9.1.1 highly goal-targeted
9.1.2 implicitly discipline-constrained
9.1.3 harmony-oriented
9.2 what makes prison counseling different from individual talk
9.2.1 topic control
9.2.2 responsibility negotiating or placing
9.2.3 indirectness at play
10 conclusion
10.1 prison counseling: the ideal and reality
10.1.1 prison counseling as a complaint box
10.1.2 prison counseling as an old wine bottle
10.2 implications for future prison counseling
10.2.1 implications for prison counseling research
10.2.2 implications for intervention at the decision-level
10.2.3 implications for training and practice of prison counseling
10.3 implications for future prison study
10.3.1 discourse study of prison
10.3.2 discourse evidence: a qualitative evaluation method
in prison studies
10.3.3 discourse study of the image of china
10.3.4 discourse study of counseling
appendix transcription symbols
keywords indexes
references 罪犯心理咨询话语研究

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