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取得方式与(市)民法的体系化 本书特色


取得方式与(市)民法的体系化 内容简介

本书是中文世界中**的研究取得方式的专著。书中未研究任何一种具体的取得方式,而是着力于取得方式的结构工具的选用与民法体系问题的关联,上追希腊罗马,中逮人文主义法学与新教法学,后捋法典编纂时代。其间夹杂着对topica这种网状问题处理方法的探讨,颇有上天入地、钻山打洞的意味。 —徐国栋(厦门大学法学院教授、博士生导师)

取得方式与(市)民法的体系化 目录

前 言 1一、研究动机 1二、研究思路 1三、研究方法 3导 论 1一、论题说明 1二、研究综述 10三、全书结构 19**章 罗马法的体系化:“取得方式”的体系意义 22**节 古希腊文化的引鉴与罗马法的体系化 22一、古希腊—罗马的辩证法与罗马法的体系化 22二、divisio、partitio与罗马法的体系化 33第二节 《法学阶梯》与“取得方式”的体系确立 46一、盖尤斯之前的罗马法的体系化进程 46二、盖尤斯《法学阶梯》与“取得方式” 49三、优士丁尼《法学阶梯》与“取得方式” 67四、《法学阶梯》体系及其现代命运 73第二章 罗马法的解构:市民法的体系重构的基础 79**节 诉讼法与实体法的区分 81第二节 物权与债权区分的历史生成 86一、罗马法上的物与债 86二、罗马法复兴以来的对物权与对人权 89三、物权与债权区分的确立 97第三节 向物权概念的生发流变 99第四节 继承法的体系归属的历史演进 110第三章 市民法的体系重构:“取得方式”与物权债权区分的博弈 117**节 人文主义法学与近代法的体系生成 118一、人文主义法学的兴起与发展 118二、从“物”到“权” 123三、他物权从所有权中的分离 129第二节 新教法学与私法体系的建构 137一、新教法学与topica方法:梅兰希顿的贡献 137二、新教法学与法学方法的转型:私法体系的建构 149第四章 近现代民法法典化:“取得方式”的双重命运 178**节 拉丁法族民法典的体系:“取得方式”的华丽转身 179一、本节研究对象的确定 179二、“人—物”式民法典体系与“取得方式”的因势让位 181三、“人—物—债”式民法典体系与“取得方式”的意义转型 183四、“人—权利—取得权利的方式”式民法典体系与“取得方式”的体系重现 198第二节 潘德克吞式民法典的体系:“取得方式”的价值丧失 206一、潘德克吞式民法典体系的形成 206二、潘德克吞式民法典体系与“取得方式” 212结 语 219一、“取得方式”与民法体系化的历史演进 219二、当代民法体系化的困境及其出路 220三、“取得方式”与当代民法体系化 223参考文献 225contentsforeword…..…………………………………………………………..1section 1 research motivation……...….…………………………..…1section 2 research strategy..…………..……………......……………1section 3 research methods………..…………………………………3introduction 1section 1 explanation of the matters related to the theme 1section 2 current research situation at home and abroad 10section 3 structure of the research 19chapter i systematization of the roman law: systematic relevanceof the “modes of acquirement” 22subchapter 1 introduction of the ancient greek culture and systematization of the roman law 22section 1 dialectic of the ancient greece-rome and systematization of the roman law 22section 2 divisio and partitio and systematization of the roman law 33subchapter 2 institutes and establishmen of the systematic relavance of the “modes of acquirement” 46section 1 proce of the systematization of the roman law before gaius 46section 2 institutes of gaius and “modes of acquirement” 49section 3 institutes of justinian and “modes of acquirement” 67section 4 system of the institutes and its modern situation 73chapter ii deconstruction of the roman law: basis for the systemic reconstruction of the civil law 79subchapter 1 distinction between the procedural law and the substantive law 81subchapter 2 historical formation of the distinction between the real right and the personal right 86section 1 thing and obligation in the roman law 86section 2 real right and personal right since the revival of roman law 89section 3 establishment of the distingction between the real right and the personal right 97sunchapter 3 creation and evolution of the concept “ius ad rem” 99sunchapter 4 systematic attribution of the inheritance law 110chapter iii systemic reconstruction of the civil law: fight bewteen the “modes of acquirement and the “distinction between the real right and the personal right” 117subchapter 1 legal humanism and formation of the system of the modern civil law 118section 1 rise and development of the legal humanism 118section 2 from the “thing” to the “right”. 123section 3 separation of the “right over the thing of another” from the ownership 129subchapter 2 protestant school of legal science and construction of the system of the private law 137section 1 protestant school of legal science and method of topica: contribution of melanchton 137section 2 protestant school of legal science and transformation of legal method: construction of the system of the private law 149chapter iv modern and contemporary codifications: dual fate of the “modes of acquirement” 178subchapter 1 system of the civil codes belonging to the latin law family: magnificent turn of the “modes of acquirement” 179section 1 establishment of the objects of study in the subchapter 179section 2 system of “person-thing” and abdication of the “modes of acquirement” 181section 3 system of “person-thing-obligation” and transformation of the “modes of acquirement” 183section 4 system of “person-rights-modes of acquiring right

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