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英美法导读-第二版作者:李国利 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787301166833 定价:39.0 出版时间:2010-08-01 出版社:北京大学出版社 |
英美法导读-第二版 本书特色
英美法导读-第二版 目录
Chapter One:Anglo·American Law and YouSection One:A Political and Moral Perspective——I Am the LawSection Two:Anglo-American Law DefinedA.Common law(共同法或习惯法、普通法)CountriesB.The Subjects of Common law Section Three:Study of Anglo-American Law-Why,What,and HowA.What is or Counts as Foreign Law——Definition and ClarificationB.Why for the Study of Anglo-American LawC.Reasons for Study-A SummaryD.Imphcations of Globalization of Law:International Trade,Commerce,and Private Law——Unification and Uniform ApplicationE.Similarity of Private Law WorldwideSection Four:Factors and Considerations Affecting Choice of Foreign LawA.Foreign law chosen on the basis of shared history and traditionB.Foreign law chosen on the basis of superior human value conditionsC.Foreign law chosen on the basis of special relationshipD.Foreign law chosen on the basis of superior legal structure and frameworkE.Foreign law chosen on the basis of the rationality of the substantive content Ofits lawsSection Five:Methodology and Approach of Foreign Law StudyA.How Should Anglo-American Law Be StudiedSection Six:Importance of Knowledge of Legal Research and Legal MaterialsSection Seven:Need for the Study of Foreign Law in VernacularSection Eight:The“What”(the Subject Matter)of StudyA.Hot Topics and In·demand Subject or Issue:Reactive ResearchB.Topics or Issues for Scholarly and Theoretical ResearchC.Study the Common Law as a Unique Legal SystemD.Study the Philosophical Ideas Informing Anglo-American LawSection Nine:Sources,Texts,and Materials of the Study of Anglo-American LawSection Ten:Conditions and Factors Determinative of the Need and Viability of Legal Transplant Chapter Two:Sources of Law in GeneralSection One:Codes(法典)and Statutes(制定法)Section Two:Regulations(规章,条例),Decrees(判决,裁定),andAdministrative Directives(行政命令、行政规章)Section Three:Binding Nature or Significance of Administrative DirectivesSection Four:Judicial DecisionsSection Five:Non.state or Unofficial Sources of Law A.Reason as a SourceB.Fundamental Importance of Doctrine or Legal Writing:Scholarly LawC.Interdisciplinary Research and Works as SourcesD.Intelligence,Idea,Proposal,and Recommendation as Source Section Six:Legal Pluralism and Legal Centralism——Written Law(成文法)vis-a-vis Unwritten Law(不成文法).Express vis-a-visImplicit Law,Law in Book vis-a-vis Law in ActionA.Pre-(state)Law(国家成立前的法律)B.Relative Insignificance of Judicial Law(Settlement of Disputes)C.Implicit Law,Unwritten or Autonomous OrderingSection Seven:CustomSection Eight:Sources of American Law Worthy of Special MentionA.Statute LawB.Constitution as a SourceC.Treaties(条约)and International AgreementsD.Administrative Law(行政法)E.Compilations and Consolidations of LawsF.Court RulesG.Uniforill State LawH.Secondary AuthorityI.Restatement of Law:Nature and StatusJ.View of Formalism(形式主义)versus Realism(现实主义)as to WhatCOlints as I.awK.Authoritative and Efiective Decision as a SourceL.Integration of All Sources of Law-Generating Actions and DecisionsSection Nine:Reason as a Source(of Law)Chapter Three:The Common LawSection One:Historical Development of the Common LawA.First,The Anglo-Saxon Period(盎格鲁一撒克逊时代)(Preceding the Norman Conquest,1066)B.Second,Formation of the Common Law(1066-1485):From Writs(令状) to Actions on the CaseC.Third Period:Growth of Equity(衡平法)(1485-1832)D.Fourth Period:The Modem Period Section Two:Special Characteristics of English Law of English LawA.Distinct Characteristics of English Common LawB.Courts Decide Fate of Statutes through InterpretationC.Courts Apply Principles Derived from StatutesSection Three:Certain Characteristics of the Common Law AuthoritySection Four:Sources of the British Common LawSection Five:Importance of Legal Structure,Defining Categories and ConceptsSection Six:English Judicial OrganizationSection Seven:Judicial Authority in EnglandSection Eight:Form and Content of English Judgments Chapter Four:Legal System and Foundation of Law of the United StatesSection One:General RemarkSection Two:Reasons for Choice of FocusSection Three:Spirit and Fundamental Characteristics of American Law and SocietyA.Liberty,Rights,and Government by ConsentB.Individualism,Competing Values,and Personal ChoiceC.Distrust of Government:Separation and Limitation of Powers,Checks and Balances(政府机关彼此之间的相互制衡),Political Accountability,and the Bill of RightsD.Pragmatism in Law(法律的实用主义)E.Government under the Rule of LawF T01eranceG.OptimismH.Unity out of Diversity(差异带来的统一或联合)I.Diversity as Divisiveness(差异引起的分歧):Disquieting Factors and Troubling Voices(不安定因素和声音)J.American GreedK.Corporate Bonuses,Compensations and Other Perks and ImprudenceL.A Nation of Excessive and Cheap Credit and Voracious DebtorsSection Four:Basic Constitutional and Political StructureSection Five:Division and Limits of Legal Authority of the United StatesA.Originality of American LawB.P1ace of Statute in American Law:the Abnormal or Excessive Attitude toward StatuteSection Six:Allocation of Legal Authority between Federal and State GovernmentsA.Inherent Legal Authority of the StatesB.Jurisdiction of Federal Law versus Jurisdiction of State LawC.Supremacy ClauseD.Preemption Controversies(优先适用争议)E.Derivative Principle of Preemption Clause(优先适用条款的派生原则)F.Continued Importance of State and Local LawSection Seven:Judicial OrganizationA.Organization of CourtsB.Administrative Agencies and Tribunals(行政机关和行政法庭)C.State Courts(州法院)D.Jury Section Eight:Allocation of Judicial AuthorityA.Gener AllocationB.Two Primary Bases of Federal JurisdictionC.Structure Parallel Systems of Adjudication:Judicial Dualism(司法二元主义)D.Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act(外国主权豁免法),28 U.S.C Para.1330E.Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court Section Nine:Reception of the Common Law in the United StatesA.Ignorance and Slight of the Common Law……Chapter Five:Case Law :Form,Nature and Function of Judicial DecisionsChapter Six:United States Law in Action (诉讼中的):the Operative and Interactive DynamicsChapter Seven:Good Legal System,Good Laws and Good Decision-makers LawyersChapter Eight:Legal Reason and Executing Decision
法律 外国法律 美洲
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