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(英)2009-2010国际形势和中国外交蓝皮书 本书特色


(英)2009-2010国际形势和中国外交蓝皮书 目录

The Changing International Situation
Part Ⅰ
International Situation in 2009 and
China's Foreign Policy
Part Ⅱ
The International Situation in 2009/2010
Chapter 1
Analysis on Foreign Policy of the Obama Administration
Chapter 2
Foreign Policy of Hatoyama Administration
Chapter 3
EU's Integration against the Context of Financial Crisis
Chapter 4
Russia's External Strategy and Foreign Relations
Chapter 5
Shanghai Cooperation Organization: In Good Shape
and with Better Prospect
Chapter 6
Readjustment of the US Middle East Policy
and Unresolved Hotspots
Chapter 7
Korean Peninsula Crisis and Prospect of "Package Solution"
Chapter 8
US-Iran Relationship and Contention over the
Iranian Nuclear Issue
Chapter 9
The Complicated Situation in South Asia
Chapter 10
An Overview of the Situation in Latin America in 2009
Chapter 11
A New Modal for Cooperation in East Asia and its Prospects
Chapter 12
Role and Influence of the Major Emerging Countries
Chapter 13
Developments of the International Financial Crisis
and Changing Global Economic Structure
Chapter 14
International Arms Control and Disarmament:
Recent Developments and Future Trends
Chapter 15
International Contention over Climate Change
as Reflected at Copenhagen Conference
Chapter 16
Features and Trends of the World Economy in 2009-10
Part Ⅲ China's Diplomacy in 2009/2010
Chapter ] 7
Security Situation on China's Periphery in 2009
Chapter 18
An Overview of China's Diplomacy in 2009
Chapter 19
China-US Relations: Opportunities and Challenges
Chapter 20
Further Deepening the China-Japan Strategic
Relationship of Mutual Benefit
Chapter 21
Mature Relations between China and Russia
in the New Era
Chapter 22
Building a Pragmatic Partnership between
China and Europe
Chapter 23
Sustained and Well Nurtured Sino-African Relations
Chapter 24
China-ASEAN Relations in 2009
Chapter 25
Burgeoning Relations ,between China and Central Asia
Chapter 26
China and South-Asia: Partners for Common Development
Chapter 2 7
China-South Pacific Relations in 2009
Chapters 28
China's Economic Diplomacy in 2009
Chapters 29
China's Military Diplomacy in 2009 (英)2009-2010国际形势和中国外交蓝皮书

政治军事 政治 外交、国际关系


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