代数拓扑简明教程(第1卷)作者:乔·彼得·梅 开 本:其他 书号ISBN:9787519266592 定价:42.0 出版时间:2018-03-01 出版社:北京世图 |
代数拓扑简明教程(第1卷) 本书特色
代数拓扑简明教程(第1卷) 内容简介
代数拓扑简明教程(第1卷) 目录
Introduction Chapter 1. The fundamental group and some of its applications Chapter 2. Categorical language and the van Kampen theorem Chapter 3. Covering spaces Chapter 4. Graphs Chapter 5. Compactly generated spaces Chapter 6. Cofibrations Chapter 7. Fibrations Chapter 8. Based cofiber and fiber sequences Chapter 9. Higher homotopy groups Chapter 10. CW complexes Chapter 11. The homotopy excision and suspension theorems Chapter 12. A little homological algebra Chapter 13. Axiomatic and cellular homology theory Chapter 14. Derivations of properties from the axioms Chapter 15. The Hurewicz and uniqueness theorems Chapter 16. Singular homology theory Chapter 17. Some more homological algebra Chapter 18. Axiomatic and cellular cohomology theory Chapter 19. Derivations of properties from the axioms Chapter 20. The Poincar´e duality theorem Chapter 21. The index of manifolds; manifolds with boundary Chapter 22. Homology, cohomology, and K(π, n)s Chapter 23. Characteristic classes of vector bundles Chapter 24. An introduction to K-theory Chapter 25. An introduction to cobordism代数拓扑简明教程(第1卷) 作者简介
乔·彼得·梅(Jon Peter May)是美国著名数学家,芝加哥大学教授,研究领域为代数拓扑与范畴论,他是抽象同伦论的先驱之一,提出了operads以及梅谱序列。
自然科学 数学 代数数论组合理论
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