zeta函数,q-zeta函数,相伴级数与积分作者:(加)斯利瓦斯塔瓦(Srivastava 开 本:25cm 书号ISBN:9787560355191 定价:88.0 出版时间:2015-08-01 出版社:哈尔滨工业大学出版社 |
zeta函数,q-zeta函数,相伴级数与积分 内容简介
zeta函数,q-zeta函数,相伴级数与积分 目录
1 Introduction and Preliminaries
1.1 Gamma and Beta Functions
The Gamma Function
Pochhammer's Symbol and the Factorial Function
Multiplication Formulas of Legendre and Gauss
Stirling's Formula for n! and its Generalizations
The Beta Function
The Incomplete Gamma Functions
The Incomplete Beta Functions
The Error Functions
The Bohr—Mollerup Theorem
1.2 The Euler—Mascheroni Constant γ
A Set of Known Integral Representations for γ
Further Integral Representations for γ
From an Application of the Residue Calculus
1.3 Polygamma Functions
The Psi (or Digamma) Function
Integral Representation for ψ(z)
Gauss's Formulas for ψ(p/q)
Special Values of ψ(z)
The Polygamma Functions
Special Values of ψ(n) (z)
The Asymptotic Expansion for ψ(2)
1.4 The Multiple Gamma Functions
The Double Gamma Function F2
Integral Formulas Involving the Double Gamma Function
The Evaluation of an Integral Involving log G(z)
The Multiple Gamma Functions
The Triple Gamma Function г3
1.5 The Gaussian Hypergeometric Function and its Generalization
The Gauss Hypergeometric Equation
Gauss's Hypergeomeu:ic Series
The Hypergeometric Series and Its Analytic Continuation
Linear, Quadratic and Cubic Transformations
Hypergeometric Representations of Elementary Functions
Hypergeometric Representations of Other Functions
The Confluent Hypergeometric Function
Important Properties of Kummer's Confluent Hypergeometric Function
The Generalized (Gauss and Kummer) Hypergeometric Function
Analytic Continuation of the Generalized Hypergeometric Function
Functions Expressible in Terms of the pFq Function
1.6 Stirling Numbers of the First and Second Kind
Stirling Numbers of the First Kind
Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind
Relationships Among Stirling Numbers of the First and Second Kind and Bernoulli Numbers
1.7 Bernoulli, Euler and Genocchi Polynomials and Numbers
Bernoulli Polynomials and Numbers
The Generalized Bernoulli Polynomials and Numbers
Euler Polynomials and Numbers
Fourier Series Expansions of Bernoulli and Euler Polynomials
Relations Between Bernoulli and Euler Polynomials
The Generalized Euler Polynomials and Numbers
Genocchi Polynomials and Numbers
1.8 Apostol—Bernoulli, Apostol—Euler and Apostol—Genocchi Polynomials and Numbers
Apostol—Bernoulli Polynomials and Numbers
Apostol—Genocchi Polynomials and Numbers
Important Remarks and Observations
Generalizations and Unified Presentations of the Apostol Type Polynomials
1.9 Inequalities for the Gamma Function and the Double Gamma Function
The Gamma Function and Its Relatives
The Double Gamma Function
2 The Zeta and Related Functions
2.1 Multiple Hurwitz Zeta Functions
The Analytic Continuation of ζn(S, a)
Relationship between ζn(s.x) and B(a)n(x)
The Vardi—Barnes Multiple Gamma Functions
2.2 The Hurwitz (or Generalized) Zeta Function
Hurwitz's Formula for ζ(s, a)
Hermite's Formula for ζ(s, a)
Further Integral Representations for ζ(s, a)
Some Applications of the Derivative Formula (17)
Another Form for г2(a)
2.3 The Riemann Zeta Function
Riemann's Functional Equation for ζ(s)
Relationship between ζ(s) and the Mathematical
Constants B and C
Integral Representations for ζ(s)
A Summation Identity for ζ(n)
2.4 PolylogarithmFunctions
The Dilogarithm Function
Clausen's Integral (or Function)
The Trilogarithm Function
The Polylogarithm Functions
The Log—Sine Integrals
2.5 Hurwitz—Lerch Zeta Functions
The Taylor Series Expansion of the Lipschitz—Lerch
Transcendent L(x, s, a)
Evaluation of L(x, —n, a)
2.6 Generalizations of the Hurwitz—Lerch Zeta Function
2.7 Analytic Continuations of Multiple Zeta Functions
Generalized Functions of Gel'fand and Shilov
自然科学 数学 函数
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