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一元函数微积分与线性算子-(双语教材)作者:王栓宏 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787030442567 定价:28.0 出版时间:2015-05-01 出版社:科学出版社 |
一元函数微积分与线性算子-(双语教材) 本书特色
一元函数微积分与线性算子-(双语教材) 内容简介
一元函数微积分与线性算子-(双语教材) 目录
chapter 1 极限(limits)
1.1 极限概念fthe notion of limits)
1.2 极限的性质与运算(properties and rules of limits)
1.3 极限的存在性(existence of limits)
1.4 函数的连续性(continuity of functions)
1.5 应用(applications)
1.6 习题(exercises)
chapter 2 导数(derivatives)
2.1 导数概念(the notion of derivatives)
2.2 求导法则(rules for finding derivatives)
2.3 泰勒公式(taylor’s formula)
2.4 微分中值定理(the mean value theorems for derivatives)
2.5 应用(applications)
2.6 习题(exercises)
chapter 3 积分(integrals)
3.1 不定积分概念(the notion of indefinite integrals)
3.2 求不定积分法则(rules for finding indefinite integrals)
3.3 微积分基本定理(the fundamental theorems of calculus)
3.4 求定积分法则(rules for finding definite integrals)
3.5 应用(applications)
3.6 习题fexercises)
chapter 4 微分方程(differential equations)
4.1 微分方程概念fthe notion of differential equations)
4.2 可分离变量的微分方程(separable differential equations)
4.3 可降阶的高阶微分方程(higher order differential equations turned to lower order differential equations
4.4 线性微分方程解的结构(the structure of the solutions of the linear differential equations
4.5 习题(exercises)
chapter 5 线性算子(linear operators)
5.1 基本概念与性质(the notions and properties)
5.2 连续算予(continuous operators)
5.3 应用(applications)

自然科学 数学 微积分
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