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半导体物理学-第2版作者:格伦德曼 开 本:24开 书号ISBN:9787510077814 定价:149.0 出版时间:2014-07-01 出版社:世界图书出版公司 |
半导体物理学-第2版 本书特色
半导体物理学-第2版 目录
1 introduction1.1 timetable
1.2 nobel prize winners
1.3 general information
part ⅰ fundamentals
2 bonds
2.1 introduction
2.2 covalent bonds
2.2.1 electron-pair bond
2.2.2 sp3 bonds
2.2.3 sp2 bonds
2.3 ionic bonds
2.4 mixed bonds
2.5 metallic bonding
2.6 van-der-waals bonds
2.7 hamilton operator of the solid
3 crystals
3.1 introduction
3.2 crystal structure
3.3 lattice
3.3.1 unit cell
3.3.2 point group
3.3.3 space group
3.3.4 2d bravais lattices
3.3.5 3d bravais lattices
3.3.6 polycrystalline semiconductors
3.3.7 amorphous semiconductors:
3.4 important crystal structures
3.4.1 rocksalt structure
3.4.2 csc1 structure
3.4.3 diamond structure
3.4.4 zincblende structure
3.4.5 wurtzite structure
3.4.6 chalcopyrite structure
3.4.7 fluorite structure
3.4.8 delafossite structure
3.4.9 perovskite structure
3.4.1 0nias structure
3.4.1 1further structures
3.5 polytypism
3.6 reciprocal lattice
3.6.1 reciprocal lattice vectors
3.6.2 miller indices
3.6.3 brillouin zone
3.7 alloys
3.7.1 random alloys
3.7.2 phase diagram
3.7.3 virtual crystal approximation
3.7.4 lattice parameter
3.7.5 ordering
4 defects
4.1 introduction
4.2 point defects
4.2.1 point defect types
4.2.2 thermodynamics
4.2.3 diffusion
4.2.4 dopant distribution
4.2.5 large concentration effects
4.3 dislocations
4.3.1 dislocation types
4.3.2 visualization of dislocations by etching
4.3.3 impurity hardening
4.4 extended defects
4.4.1 micro-cracks
4.4.2 stacking faults
4.4.3 grain boundaries
4.4.4 antiphase and inversion domains
4.5 disorder
5 mechanical properties
5.1 introduction ,
5.2 lattice vibrations
5.2.1 monoatomic linear chain
5.2.2 diatomic linear chain
5.2.3 lattice vibrations of a three-dimensional crystal
part ⅱ selected topics
part ⅲ applications
part ⅳ appendices

自然科学 物理学 半导体物理学
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