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电磁场与电磁波作者:张育 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787306045355 定价:45.0 出版时间:2013-06-01 出版社:中山大学出版社 |
电磁场与电磁波 本书特色
《电磁场与电磁波(英文)》是为普通高等学校电子信息类专业“电磁场理论”基础课所编写的本科双语教材,注重于系统的基础理论推演与实际应用相结台,难度符合国内该课程要求: 全书共分为9章,内容包括矢量分析、静电场、静电场的特殊解法、恒定电流场、恒定磁场、时变电磁场、平面电磁波、导行电磁波及天线。 《电磁场与电磁波(英文)》可作为电子信息类专业本科生一学期课程的教材和教学参考用书,也可作为物理专业本科生和工程技术人员的参考用书。
电磁场与电磁波 目录
chapter 1 vector analysis
1.1 introduction
1.2 vectors operation
1.vector addition and subtraction
2.multiplication of vector by a scalar
3.scalar product
4.vector product
5.product of three vectors
1.3 coordinate systems
1.curvilinear orthogonal coordinates
2.rectangular coordinate systems
3.cylindrical coordinate systems
4.spherical coordinate systems
1.4 scalar and vector fields
1.5 directional derivative and gradient
1.6 divergence of a vector field
1.7 curl of a vector field
1.8 laplacian operator
1.9 del operator operation
1.10 dirac delta-function
1.11 some theorems
1.green's theorem
2.uniqueness theorem
3.helmhohz's theorem
chapter 2 electrostatic fields
2.1 introduction
2.2 coulomb's law
2.electrostatic force
2.3 electric field intensity
2.4 electric field lines
2.5 equations for electrostatic fields
1.basic equations
2.electrostatic potential
3.poisson's and laplace's equations
2.6 electric fields in materials
1.materials in electric field
2.polarization of dielectrics
3.the field equations in dielectrics
2.7 boundary conditions
1.normal components
2.tangential components
2.8 capacitances
2.9 energy and forces
1.energy of the electric field
2.electric force
2.10 muhipole expansion
chapter 3 special methods in electrostatics
3.1 introduction
3.2 uniqueness theorem for electrostatics
3.3 method of images
3.4 method of separation of variables
1.method of separation of variables in rectangular coordinates
2.separation of variables in cylindrical coordinates
3.separation of variables in spherical coordinates
chapter 4 steady electric current fields
4.1 introduction
4.2 current
1.conduction current
2.convection current
4.3 resistance of a conductor
4.4 the equation of continuity
4.5 relaxation time
4.6 joule's law
4.7 boundary conditions for steady current density
chapter 5 steady magnetic fields
5.1 introduction
5.2 biot-savart's law
5.3 ampbre's force law
5.4 basic equations for steady magnetic fields
5.5 magnetic vector potential
5.6 magnetization of media
1.magnetic materials
2.describing of magnetization
3.magnetic field in media
5.7 boundary conditions for magnetic fields
5.8 magnetic scalar potential
1.magnetic scalar potential differential equation
2.boundary conditions for magnetic scalar potential
自然科学 物理学 电磁学、电动力学
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