代数图基础作者:刘彦佩 著 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787312030086 定价:78.0 出版时间:2013-01-01 出版社:中国科学技术大学出版社 |
15.2 automorphisms on a graph
15.3 relationships
15.4 upper maps with symmetry
15.5 via asymmetrized upper maps
15.6 notes
chapter 16 genera of graphs
16.1 a recursion theorem
16.2 maximum genus
16.3 minimum genus
16.4 average genus
16.5 thickness
16.6 interlacedness
16.7 notes
chapter 17 isogemial graphs
17.1 basic concepts
17.2 two operations
17.3 isogemial theorem
17.4 nonisomorphic isogemial graphs
17.5 notes
chapter 18 surface embeddability
18.1 via tree-travels
18.2 via homology
18.3 via joint trees
18.4 via configurations
18.5 notes
appendix 1 concepts of polyhedra, surfaces, embeddings andmaps
appendix 2 table of genus polynomials for embeddings and maps ofsmall size
appendix 3 atlas of rooted and unrooted maps for smallgraphs
author index
自然科学 数学 代数数论组合理论
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