流体动力学专论作者:周文隆,熊焰 著 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787811242911 定价:96.0 出版时间:2011-06-01 出版社:北京航空航天大学出版社 |
流体动力学专论 内容简介
a treatise in fluid dynamics is a
textbook for beginning engineering students who have background of
basic calculus and physics. this textbook follows a typical
sequence of topics of dynamics of fluids by starting with an
introduction to the subject, concentrating on terminologies, simple
concepts, and clarifying adoption of the system and control volume
approach to describe the motion of the fluid. it then follows by
unsteady im-pressible incompressible flows, impressible potential
flows, numerical computation of fluid dynamic
流体动力学专论 目录
chapter 1 basic equations governing the flow of fluids chapter 2 application of bernoulli's principle to some incompressible flows chapter 3 potential flow of an ideal fluid chapter 4 numerical computations on fluid dynamic problems——with emphasis on inviscid flows chapter 5 viscous flows introduction chapter 6 open channel flows introduction appendix a a review of vector-analysis appendix b various vector expressions in orthogonal curvilinear system of coordinates appendix c mathematic procedure to compute vena-contracting coefficients
自然科学 力学
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