房龙地理(英文彩绘本)I II

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房龙地理(英文彩绘本)I II

房龙地理(英文彩绘本)I II


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房龙地理(英文彩绘本)I II 本书特色

这是一部以通俗的手法描写以人的衍动与发展为中心的世界地理巨著,它是由付兰裔美国著名历史学家、作家房龙编著而成。在简要介绍基本地理知识之后,作者按国别或特征地理地区分别讲述了其地理环境,侧重于分析地理对国家或地区的历史演变、国家或地区性格的形成、民族特性等影响,因此这是一本关于“人的”地理书。世界经典读本系列《傲慢与偏见(英文原版)》,点击进入:《简爱(英文原版)》,点击进入:《呼啸山庄(英文原版)》,点击进入:《苔丝(英文原版)》,点击进入:《飘(英文原版)》,点击进入:《傲慢与偏见(英文彩绘本)》,点击进入:《爱的教育(英文原版)》,点击进入:《红与黑(英文原版)》,点击进入:《红 字(英文原版)》,点击进入:《汤姆叔叔的小屋(英文原版)》,点击进入:《海底两万里(英文原版)》,点击进入:《荒野的呼唤 白牙(英文原版)》,点击进入:《嘉莉妹妹(英文原版)》,点击进入:《哈克贝利.费恩历险记(英文原版)》,点击进入:《格列佛游记(英文原版)》,点击进入:《八十天环绕地球(英文原版)》,点击进入:《雾都孤儿(英文原版)》,点击进入:《鲁滨逊漂流记(英文原版)》,点击进入:《金银岛(英文原版)》,点击进入:《汤姆.索亚历险记(英文原版)》,点击进入:《西方的智慧(英文彩绘本)》,点击进入:《房龙地理(英文彩绘本)》,点击进入:

房龙地理(英文彩绘本)I II 内容简介


房龙地理(英文彩绘本)I II 目录

chapter 1 and these are the people who live in the world we live in
chapter 2 a definition of the word geography and how i shall apply it in the present volume
chapter 3 our planet: its habits, customs and manners
chapter 4 maps. a very brief chapter upon a very big and fascinating subject. together with a few observations on the way people slowly learned how to find their way on this planet of ours
chapter 5 the seasons and how they happen
chapter 6 concerning the little spots of dry land on this planet and why some of them are called continents while others are not
chapter 7 of the discovery of europe and the sort of people who live in that part of the world
intfrlude just a moment before we go any further while i tell you how to use this book
chapter 8 greece, the rocky promontory of the eastern mediterranean which acted as the connecting link between the old asia and the new europe
chapter 9 italy, the country which due to its geographical situation could play the role of a sea-power or a land power, as the occasion demanded
chapter 10 spain, where africa and europe clashed
chapter 11 france, the country that has everything it wants
chapter 12 belgium, a country created by scraps of paper and rich in everything except internal harmony
chapter 13 luxemburg, the historical curiosity
chapter 14 switzerland, the country of high mountains, excellent schools and a unified people who speak four different languages
chapter 15 germany, the nation that was founded too late
chapter 16 austria, the country that nobody appreciated until it no longer existed
chapter 17 denmark, an object lesson in certain advantages of small countries over large ones
chapter 18 iceland, an interesting political laboratory in the arctic ocean
chapter 19 the scandinavian peninsula, the terrtory occupied by the kingdoms of sweden and norway
chapter 20 the netherlands, the swamp on the banks of the north sea that became an empire
chapter 21 great britain, an island off the dutch coast which is responsible for the happiness of fully one-quarter of the human race
chapter 22 russia, the country which was prevented by its geographical location from ever finding out whether it was part of europe or of asia

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自然科学 地球科学 自然地理学


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