房龙地理(英文彩绘本)I II
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房龙地理(英文彩绘本)I II作者:房龙 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787511701299 定价:59.0 出版时间:2010-01-01 出版社:中央编译出版社 |
chapter 23 poland, the country that had always suffered from being a corridor and therefore now has a corridor of its own
chapter 24 czechoslovakia, a product of the treaty of versailles
chapter 25 yugoslavia, another product of the treaty of versailles
chapter 26 bulgaria, the soundest of all balkan countries, whose butterfly collecting king bet on the wrong horse during the great war and suffered the consequences
chapter 27 roumania, a country which has oil and a royal family
chapter 28 hungary, or what remains of it
chapter 29 finland, another example of what hard work and intelligence can achieve amid hostile natural surroundings
chapter 30 the discovery of asia
chapter 31 what asia has meant to the rest of the world
chapter 32 the central asiatic highlands
chapter 33 the great western plateau of asia
chapter 34 arabia or when is a part of asia not a part of asia?
chapter 35 india, where nature and man are engaged in mass production
chapter 36 burma, siam, anam and malacca, which occupy the other great southern peninsula of asia
chapter 37 the republic of china, the great peninsula of eastern asia
chapter 38 korea, mongolia and manchuria, if the latter still exists when this book is published
chapter 39 the japanese empire
chapter 40 the philippins, an old administrative part of mexico
chapter 41 the dutch east ind ies, the tail that wags the dog
chapter 42 australia, the step child of nature
chapter 43 new zealand
chapter 44 the islands of the pacific where people neither toiled nor spun but lived just the same
chapter 45 africa, th
房龙地理(英文彩绘本)I II 节选
房龙地理(英文彩绘本)I II 相关资料
插图:Rain is merely evaporated water from the oceans and from the inlandseas and from the inland snow-fields, which is carlied along by the air inthe form of vapor. As hot air can hold much more vapor than cold air,the water-vapor will be carried along without much difficulty until theair grows colder. Then part of it gets condensed and falls back againupon the surface of the earth in the form of rain or hail or snow.The rainfall of any given region therefore will depend almost entirelyupon the winds to which it is exposed. If we have a sea-coast separatedfrom the mainland by mountains (a very common occurrence) the coastalregion will be wet and damp. For the wind, being forced to rise intohigher regions (where the pressure is lower), will cool offas it gets furtherand further away from the sea-level and it will shed its vapor in the formof rain and snow and will reappear on the other side of the mountainrange as a dry wind without a drop of moisture.The rainfall of the tropics is both regular and abundant because theenormous heat of the land makes the air rise to a great height, where itgets cooled off and is obliged to let go of most of its vapor, whichthereupon returns to earth in the form of heavy sheets of rain. But asthe sun does not always stand right over the equator, but moves slightlyfrom north to south, most of the equatorial regions enjoy four seasons,two seasons during which there are terrific rainstorms and two seasonsduring which the weather is dryBut those regions which are exposed to steady air-currents runningfrom colder to warmer regions are by far the worst off. For as the windspass from the cold area to the hot one,their capacity for absorptionbecomes steadily greater and they are unable to release the vapor theycarr~ causing many parts of this earth to be turned into deserts whereit may not r

自然科学 地球科学 自然地理学
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