
首页 > 图书 > 人文社科类图书/2020-06-21 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


作者:斯奎尔(Larry R.Squire)

开 本:16开





稳态.神经网络与神经行为学-神经科学百科全书 节选


稳态.神经网络与神经行为学-神经科学百科全书 相关资料

插图:However, over much longer periods (several days), experimental work has demonstrated that growth cones can respond to gradients of 0.2% or less across their spatial extent. Furthermore, at sufficiently high and low concentrations, almost all or almost no receptors are bound: this leads to further reductions in sensitivity. Experimental and theoretical work has confirmed that the highest sensitivity is achieved when approximately half of the receptors are bound, which occurs when the concentration is equal to the dissociation constant for binding. Aside from these general constraints on gradient detection, models have also been developed which directly simulate the behavior of growth cones and axons in the presence of guidance cue gradients. Several models have focused on biochemical networks which are putatively responsible for growth cone motility and guidance. Such models are difficult to construct, partly due to the complexity of growth cone biochemistry and partly due to the lack of experimental data on important quantities such as reaction rate constants, concentrations, and interactions between molecular species. One model has focused on the Rho-GTPase signaling network, which is known to play an important role in actin-driven cell motility. Due to incomplete experimental data, the investigators took a qualitative approach, simulating the behavior of several plausible interaction networks and kinetic constants and using the results of these simulations to form hypotheses about the underlying mechanisms of growth cone motility. They found that the Rho-GTPase network undergoes a sharp transition in its dynamics when a threshold concentration of a particular signaling molecule is reached. The authors linked these two dynamic behaviors to different modes of growth cone motility, developing a model which could reproduce sme experimentally observed phenomena.


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自然科学 生物科学 普通生物学
