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煲粥/鲜香惹味广东菜 本书特色


煲粥/鲜香惹味广东菜 内容简介

——麦小麦(专栏作家、花城出版社编辑、电视读书节目主持人) 这套家常广东食谱,将深奥难懂的厨艺变成一种新潮时尚的享受,*大的好处是操作简易,我推荐! ——张新民(美食家,著《潮菜天下》) 我认识的成功女人大都嘴馋,好吃懒做,对口味及营养又极之挑剔,经常逼我推荐速成菜谱。这回好了,我找到这套可为强人、忙人、懒人提供全面的饮食解决方案的新潮菜谱。 ——钟洁玲(专栏美食作家,著《此味只应天上有》)

煲粥/鲜香惹味广东菜 目录

看图买材料 Buy ingredients according to the pictures 买回来的材料怎样处理?What to do with the ingredients?
煲粥技巧Skills of Making Porridge
看颜色食果蔬 Choose vegetables and fruit according to colour 开始煲粥Start Making Porridge 健康粥Healthy Porridge 银杏瑶柱白粥Porridge with ginkgoes and dried scallops
芋头粥Taros porridge
腊八粥Porridge with eight treasures
鸡心枣麦米粥Red dates and barley porridge
五色豆粥Porridge with beans in five colors
三丝小米粥Millet porridge with mushroom shreds
十谷粥Porridge with ten grains
南瓜玉米粥Pumpkin and corn porridge
干果燕麦粥Dried fruit and oat porridge
绿豆小米粥Green beans and millet porridge
番薯芋香红米粥Sweet potatoes, taros and red rice porridge
糯米麦粥Glutinous rice and barley porridge 水产Aquatic 生菜鲮鱼球粥Porridge with lettuce and dace balls
黄花鱼蓉粥Minced croaker porridge
生滚泥鱼粥Slimy spinefoot porridge
猪红鱼片粥Pig's blood and fish slice porridge
艇仔粥Seafood porridge
虾球粥Prawn porridge
田鸡粥Edible frog porridge
生滚水蟹粥Crab porridge
极品蟹黄粥Premium crab roe porridge
生滚带子粥Scallops porridge
龙虾粥Lobster porridge
八宝海参粥Sea cucumber and eight treasures porridge
日式杂锦泡饭Japanese assorted porridge 家禽Poultry 生滚鸡球粥Chicken ball porridge
鲍鱼滑鸡粥Abalone and chicken porridge
鲜陈胗瘦肉粥Fresh and preserved duck's gizzards and lean meatporridge
金银鸭粥Fresh and roast duck porridge
Preserved duck's head, neck and dried cabbage porridge 猪牛Pork and Beef 蚝豉皮蛋咸瘦肉粥
Dried oysters, preserved eggs and lean pork porridge
柴鱼花生猪骨粥Stockfish, peanuts and pork bone porridge
生菜四宝丸粥Lettuce and four treasure ball porridge
猪小肚白果粥Pig's tripe and ginkgoes porridge
窝蛋免治牛肉粥Eggs and minced beef porridge
蚝仔肉碎潮州粥Oysters and minced pork porridge in Chaozhou style
及第粥Porridge with pig's liver and intestines 烹饪小词典Cooking key words 常用技巧 Common skills
常用调味品(附广东话发音)Common seasonings
做菜和味道的常用语Common phrases of cooking and tastes 煲粥/鲜香惹味广东菜

美食 家常食谱
