
首页 > 图书 > 文化艺术/2020-05-14 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


作者:胡阿祥、彭安玉 主编

开 本:16开





中国地理大发现(增订本) 本书特色


中国地理大发现(增订本) 内容简介

著名学者胡阿祥教授亲自增补多篇 初版输出中文繁体字版、韩文版版权

中国地理大发现(增订本) 目录

目 录
初版前言:中国的“地理大发现”——旨趣与说明/ 1
First Edition Foreword: The “Great Geographic Discovery” of China——the Purpose and
**篇 地理视野的拓展/ 1
Chapter 1 Expansion of Geographic Vision
“其推论何等渊微”——战国邹衍的大九州说与“赤县神州”/ 3
“How Deep and Considerate Its Inference is”——The Big Nine Continent Theory and
“Chixian Shenzhou” of Zou Yan from the Warring States Period
大汉雄风播四边——两汉边疆和域外地理知识的扩展/ 13
The Power of the Great Han Dynasty Spread to the Neighboring Countries——Expansion of
Knowledge in the Frontier and Outside the Han Dynasty
西行佛国取真经——中土高僧寻经求法与地理发现/ 33
Seeking the True Scriptures of Buddhism in the West——A Chinese Profound Monk Seeking
Buddhism and Geographic Discoveries
漫漫古道西行频——蒙古帝国时代对西域的探索/ 52
The Frequent Journey to the West——Exploration of the Western Regions in the Age of
Mongolian Empire
“鲸舟吼浪泛沧溟”——明初郑和船队的远洋航行/ 66
“Big Boats, Roaring Waves and Wild Ocean”——Ocean Voyage of the Zheng He
Fleet in the Early Ming Dynasty
海上明珠——南海诸岛的发现与管辖/ 84
Pearl of the Sea——Discovery and Jurisdiction of the South China Sea Islands
第二篇 地理认识的深入/ 93
Chapter 2  In-depth Understanding of Geography
“中国科学史上的里程碑”——沈括《梦溪笔谈》的地理学思想与创见/ 95
“A Milestone in the History of Chinese Science”——The Geographic Thought and
Creative Ideas of Shen Kuo’s Brush Talks from Dream Brook
啸吟山水天地宽——徐霞客与王士性的地理考察活动/ 103
Expressing Emotions and Widen the Knowledge of Vast Landscapes——Geographic
Exploration of Xu Xiake and Wang Shixing
“黄河之水天上来”——历代对河源的探寻/ 123
“The Yellow River’s Water Comes from the Sky”——The History of Exploring the
Yellow River’s Sources
“惟见长江天际流”——历代对江源的探寻/ 137
“The Yangtze River is Seen at the Skyline”——The History of Exploring the Yangtze
River’s Sources
“蓄清刷黄保漕”的插曲——探寻淮源/ 150
The Interlude of “Conserving Water, Clearing Sediment and Protecting the
Canal”——Exploration of the Huai River’s Source
“死亡之海”与“希望之海”——塔克拉玛干沙漠的探险与发现/ 158
“Sea of Death” and “Sea of Hope”——Exploration and Discovery of the Taklimakan Desert
世界屋脊——走进青藏高原/ 174
The Roof of the World——Walk into the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
“地球的第三极”——珠穆朗玛峰探奇/ 192
“The Third Pole of the Earth”——Exploring the Mount Everest
“地球上*后的秘境”——雅鲁藏布大峡谷的惊世发现/ 201

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