
首页 > 图书 > 文化艺术/2020-05-14 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


作者:唐家璇 著

开 本:16开





劲雨煦风:唐家璇外交回忆录 目录

foreword by yang jiechi
the tortuous road of sino-japanese relations
the new foreign minister's first overseas visit:
four trips to new york in four weeks:
diplomatic struggles before the iraq war of 2003
sino-russian negotiations over heixiazi island
bombing of the chinese embassy in yugoslavia
visit to latin america in the new millerinium
land boundary and marine delimitation:
negotiations with vietnam 
the china-us south china sea air collision incident
the maturing of china-eu relations
the nuclear tests by india and pakistan

劲雨煦风:唐家璇外交回忆录 相关资料

  confucius said, "recalling the past helps understand the present,"therefore, i strive to review history from a realistic point of view. in this way, i try to reveal, on the basis of historical truths, the intentions and think-ing, pains and gains of decision makers and partidpants, and present to readers a comprehensive account of the essence, national interests and work results. i hope this book will have a practical reference value.                                                                    —— tang jiaxuan      writings are for conveying truth. heavy storm and gentle breeze,, with its rich content and profound ideas, provides important guidance to the cause of diplomacy. under the prevailing heavy storm in the international situation, we diplomats will benefit from the gentle breeze in china's diplomacy.the book will give us wisdom and strength, inspiring us to enrich china's diplo-matic theory and practice, thus bringing new impetus to our work.                                                                     —— yang ]iechi

劲雨煦风:唐家璇外交回忆录 作者简介

  Tang Jiaxuan was born in Shanghai in 1938. He graduated from the Depart-ment of Foreign Languages, Fudan Uni-versity, and then the Department of Oriental Languages, Peking University.He served as Minister of Foreign Affairs and State Councilor, and is now Chair of the Chinese Side of the China-Japan Friendship Committee for the 21st Cen-tury, Honorary Advisor to the China-Japan Friendship Association, Senior Advisor to the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs, Honorary President of the Translators Association of China,Honorary Advisor to the China-United States Exchanges Foundation and Advi-sor to the China Center for International Economic Exchanges.


传记 政治人物 中国政治人物 中国近现代政治人物
