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这里是中国:Ⅰ:I 作者简介

Chen Boya, President of Beijing Zhongshi Yayun Cultural Communication Center, is a senior TV media practitioner. She is the chief planner of the China-Russia co-produced documentary This is China, and has been the chief director of the documentary From the West to East, and the chief planner of Housing in China, New Face of China and China's Healthcare.陈波亚,北京中视雅韵文化传播中心总裁,资深电视人;中俄大型合拍纪录片《这里是中国》总策划。纪录片《从西方到东方》总导演、《中国住房》《中国之新》《中国医疗》总策划。 朱新梅,国家新闻出版广电总局发展研究中心国际所副所长、研究员,中华广播影视交流协会理事。参与起草《关于进一步改进中华文化走出去的指导意见》等中央政策文件,参与中宣部项目评审评选工作;组织总局走出去系列工程项目评审评选工作;承担中宣部、总局国际司广播影视走出去重大课题;撰写大量影视政策与产业研究学术论文。 张延利,中国纪录片网负责人兼纪录中国理事会秘书长。多次参与国家广播电视总局纪录片扶持项目。总局社科重点项目《中外优秀纪录片创作与营销实战经验宝典》、北京师范大学《中国纪录片发展研究报告》专家组成员。 Chen Boya, President of Beijing Zhongshi Yayun Cultural Communication Center, is a senior TV media practitioner. She is the chief planner of the China-Russia co-produced documentary This is China, and has been the chief director of the documentary From the West to East, and the chief planner of Housing in China, New Face of China and China's Healthcare. Zhu Xinmei, Deputy Director and researcher of the International Institute of the Development Research Center, National Radio and Television Administration of China(NRTA), has participated in drafting the Guidelines on Further Enhancing and Improving the Work of Chinese Culture Going Global and other policy documents of the central government, participated in the project review and evaluation undertaken by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, and organized the review and evaluation of "Going Global" program series within the NRTA. She is responsible for the research of the important project "Going Global through Radio Film and Television" initiated by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee and the International Division of the NRTA, and produced a large number of academic papers on film and television policy and industry research. Zhang Yanli, Director of DOCUCHINA.COM and Secretary General of Documentary China Council, has participated in documentary support programs initiated by the NRTA many times, and is also a panelist of the book Must-Read Experience in Excellent Documentary Creation and Marketing at Home and Abroad, a key project in social science launched by the NRTA, and the Study Report of the Development of Chinese Documentary in 2018 released by Beijing Normal University.


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