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中华之美丛书中国节日(英)/中华之美丛书 本书特色

中国是一个节日大国。在悠久的历史、广阔的疆域和多样的生态下,中国各民族创造、传承和发展了丰富多彩的节日文化。这些节日,是中国文化集中呈现的舞台和重要的组成部分。神话、传说、信仰、仪式、戏曲、音乐、舞蹈、饮食、工艺等构成中国文化的各种因子都离不开节日。它们承载了中华民族的历史记忆、文化创造、社会机制和生活情趣。从节日里,人们满足着感观之欲,强化着群体的认同,实现着族群的繁衍,寻找着精神的安顿和心灵的慰藉。 China is a major country of festivals. In the long history, vast territory and diversified ecology, various Chinese ethnic groups created, inherited and developed the diversified culture of festivals. These festivals are stages epitomizing Chinese culture and its important components. Various elements of Chinese culture such as myths, legends, religions, rites, traditional Chinese opera, music, dancing, foods and drinks, arts and crafts are inseparable from festivals. They carry the Chinese nation’s historical memories, cultural creations, social mechanisms and joys of life. In festivals, people satisfy their sensual needs, strengthen group recognition, realize multiplication of ethnic groups, and look for mental peace and spiritual solace.

中华之美丛书中国节日(英)/中华之美丛书 内容简介


中华之美丛书中国节日(英)/中华之美丛书 目录

Foreword Festive China Origins of Festivals Colorful Chinese Festivals Festivals and Chinese Culture Tenacious Memories Spring Festival: Chinese Recognition Dragon Boat Festival: Commemorating the Sage of the Past National Day: Dream of Making China Strong Holy Sacrifice Tomb-sweeping Day: Heeding the Dead Festival of the Dead Spirits: Celebration of People and Ghosts Eid al-Adha: Dedication of Sacrifices Mundane Revelry Shehuo Performances: Great Joy Water Splashing Festival: Bathing Buddha and Entertainment Torch Festival: Burning Passion Rhythm of Production Double Second Festival: Spring Dragon Raises the Head Nadam Fair: Happy Gathering on the Prairie Sea Opening and Closing Festivals: Harmony between Man and Seas Social Maintenance Mid-autumn Festival: Reunion under the Full Moon Drum Worship Festival: In the Name of the Drum Nadun Festival: Festive Sequence Praise of Life Children’s Day: Festive Spirits Sisters’ Festival: Time for Silver Ornaments Double Ninth Festival: Respect for the Old Singing for Love Double Seventh Festival: the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl Double Third Festival: Burgeoning Love Mao Festival: Thriving Life Epilogue: rediscovering festivals

中华之美丛书中国节日(英)/中华之美丛书 作者简介

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