中国文化 医药

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中国文化  医药

中国文化 医药


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中国文化 医药 本书特色


中国文化 医药 内容简介


中国文化 医药 目录

contentsforewordthe evolution of ancient tcma brief introduction to tcm and chinese traditional culturethe spread of ancient medical knowledgethe skills and virtues of ancient doctorsaspects of ancient tcmbasic tcm theoriesthe foundation works of tcm – the yellow emperor’s classic of internal medicinesun, moon and yin, yang – the yin-yang theory of tcmstarting with five-colored soil – the five-elements of tcmman is an integral part of nature – the holistic view of tcmthe essence, qi and shen of the chinese peopleblood and body fluidstcm on the five internal organs (viscera)why do we get sick?the diagnostic methods of tcmsyndrome differentiationtreating disease by preventing illness before it beginsabout traditional chinese medicinethe origins of traditional chinese medicinethe rich variety of traditional chinese medicineprocessing traditional chinese medicinethe natures and flavors of traditional chinese medicinethe forms of traditional chinese drugsthe combination of medicinethe modern development of tcmacupuncture, moxibustion and other external treatmentschannels, network vessels and acupointsacupuncture and moxa-moxibustionexternal treatments to treat internal illnesstcm theories about the cultivation of healthbalance and healthemotions and diseasesthe homology of medicine and foodnourishing the body with the five grainshealth maintenance in the four seasonsmoderate movement and restthe development of tcm in modern timesthe competition between tcm and western medicinethe integration of traditionalchinese and western medicinethe combination of traditionalchinese and western medicinemodern tcm educationmodern tcm diagnoses and treatmentsthe medicine of china’s ethnic groups

中国文化 医药 作者简介

梁永宣,北京中医药大学教授、博导,中华医学会医史学分会主任委员。 赵歆,北京中医药大学副教授,北京中医药大学首届青年教师讲课比赛一等奖获得者,中国大学视频公开课主讲教师。 甄雪燕,北京中医药大学副教授,中华医学会医史学分会青年委员会副主任委员。 三人自2008年起共同创作多部作品,如《青少年中医药文化知识普及读本》、《中医启蒙三字经》、《中医健康养生谣》等 ,还在北京市部分中小学开展了中医药知识进校园授课活动,有较为丰富的中医科普写作经验。

中国文化  医药

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