中西文化文学十论作者:张平功著 开 本:24cm 书号ISBN:9787511720009 定价:50.0 出版时间:2013-12-01 出版社:中央编译出版社 |
studying ted hughes’s poems:an appreciative survey
an interview with professor shaun richards on irish drama
literary theory keywords
appendix(literature translation)
a.drama from ibsen to brecht(1973)
b.poems by robert frost
c.b.franklin’s autobiography(exerpt)
d.sayings of dr.samuel johnson
中西文化文学十论 作者简介
About the Author: Zhang Pinggong holds an MA and a Ph.D in Cultural and Literary Studies from Staffordshire University in England. His main research interests are concerned with Anglo-American Literature, Cultural Theories, Globalization and Professional Translation. His most recent publications include Cultural and Ideology at an Invented Place (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007), Globalization and Cultural Identifications (Jinan University Press, 2013, edited volume), and “Culture Is Ordinary – on Raymond Williams’s Cultural Sociology” (Journal of Academic Research, No.4, 2013). He now teaches at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies as Professor of English Literature and Cultural Studies, where he also serves as Supervisor of Comparative Cultural Studies Program. 作者简介: 张平功,安徽灵璧人,获英国斯泰福大学文化表现硕士和文学理论博士学位,现为广东外语外贸大学教授。研究方向为英美文学﹑西方文论和文化研究。主要著述包括《文化研究的兴起与发展》﹑《从法兰克福学派到英国文化研究学派》﹑《文化研究语境中的英国文学研究》﹑《全球化的后果》﹑《佛洛斯特诗歌赏析》﹑《塔特?休斯诗歌评论》﹑“威廉斯研究”系列论文﹑Culture and Ideology at an Invented Place (Cambridge Scholars Publishing)等。
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