
首页 > 图书 > 文化艺术/2020-05-28 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]



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中国书法(英文) 本书特色

★ 16开平装,五洲传播出版社出版
★ 陈廷祐著,他曾先后任《人民日报》、《北京周报》编辑记者、商务印书馆编审、中国书法家协会会员等
★ 曾获得2004年第六届“全国书籍装帧艺术展览”优秀作品奖
★ 历览经典,贯通古今,细述常识,深入浅出,图文并茂
★ 不仅适合外国读者,也适合英文学习者阅读赏析

中国书法(英文) 内容简介


中国书法(英文) 目录

《Chinese Calligraphy(中国书法)》
定价:56 元
  Calligraphy is the quintessence of Chinese culture. When the ancient Orientals carved the earliest abstract symbols on the wails of their cave houses, and on animal bones and tortoise shells, their symbolic action marked the beginning of the Chinese written language and civilization. At the same time, it indicated the beginning of the splendor of Chinese calligraphy. Why has Chinese calligraphy been able to survive several thousand years? How could it become a rare art independent of its functions for writing and recording events? What kind of close relations has it developed with the aesthetic standards, value concepts and cultural spirit of the Chinese people? Plow can we enter into this mysterious black-and-white art world?
  Chinese Callgraghy introduces the origin, forms and development of Chinese calligraphy, and the various kinds of calligraphic styles and principles in a straightforward way. The author, Mr. Chen Tingyou, has devoted himself to research into the esthetics of calligraphy for many years, and has developed his own theories on the changes and development of Chinese calligraphy. In this book, he focuses on introducing representative calligraphers from the four important historical periods of the J in, Tang, Song and Qing Dynasties - Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi, Chu Suiliang, Yan Zhenqing, Su Shi, Huang Tingjian, Mi Fu and Kang Youwei. He maintains that the reforms these famous calligraphers proposed and carried out contributed greatly to the continuous development of Chinese calligraphy.
  This book is published in Chinese, English, Japanese, Russian, French, German and Spanish versions.

Calligraphy:A Cultural Treasure of China
Unique Chinese Characters
Oracle Bone Inscriptions and Inscriptions on Ancient Bronze Objects
Official Script and Later Scripts
Four Treasures of the Study
Beauty of Strokes
Beauty of Composition
Beauty of the Whole Work
Reflection of Excellent Skills Beyond the Work
Conveying the Emotions of the Author
Expressing Knowledge of the Author
Feelings,Dionysus and Cursive Style
Calligraphy and the Traditional Chinese Cultural Mindset
Father and Son:Leaders of the Times
Two Masters of the Tang DynastyCalligraphy:A Cultural Treasure of China
Unique Chinese Characters
Oracle Bone Inscriptions and Inscriptions on Ancient Bronze Objects
Official Script and Later Scripts
Four Treasures of the Study
Beauty of Strokes
Beauty of Composition
Beauty of the Whole Work
Reflection of Excellent Skills Beyond the Work
Conveying the Emotions of the Author
Expressing Knowledge of the Author
Feelings,Dionysus and Cursive Style
Calligraphy and the Traditional Chinese Cultural Mindset
Father and Son:Leaders of the Times
Two Masters of the Tang Dynasty
Three Masters Focusing on Temperament and Taste
Contemporary Reforms and Modern Brilliance
Chinese Calligraphy Spreads Worldwide

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