How to learn more efficiently_1200字
It is of vital importance to know how to learn more efficiently, especially for you students. If you spend all of your time studying and made yourself exhausted all the time, you will be fed up with the things what you' re learning quickly. So we should know how to acquire knowledge efficiently, having time to rest or do any other things aside from studying.
The first step to be a clever learner is just to make a schedule which truly fits your life. It doesn't matter if it's a diagram or a draft, showing the case that you care about every minute, even every second, is the most important thing. Secondly, you should pay more attention to your attention. When your heart is not on what you are reading or watching, the effect is decreasing.
Then, you should know the importance of classes. Sometimes, there are students feeling that what their teacher is saying is too simple to hear. But the examinations need us to be skillful. If you want to finish all the questions on the paper, you should be sensitive to them and master the knowledge points behind them well.That' s why we should review the subjects again and listen to the teacher who is talking on the platform. The teachers' existence is meaningful.
As a student in grade twelve, I have found many people surround me don' t know how to master their time. They only know they have to get up at six o'clock and to study the whole day. They are so stupid, like fools who never know themselves and won' t change forever.
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