The place that hears we buy a house -- outside and in of samite famous city fostered cordial relations between states, the key also can be taken, I and father preparation go getting the key. Mom says: "You go! I am afraid of carsick, come back to looked go to me according to a few pieces of photographs. " we arrived on the station after the car, passed a little while, the car went, about one many hour arrived favour apply, after getting off, we eat bit of thing cram oneself with food first, because at that time have been midday.
After having a meal, we take the key, the key shares 6, I feel just reasonable, i, father, mom, grandfather, grandma and spare. Take the key, in my heart not Titus is glad, too impatient to wait wants to see the look of new building, just walked into a gate, be attracted by the scenery outside that, especially fountain, 6 frog crouch on stone, at the same time 3, there is a tube in their mouth, so that can spit water to irrigate from the mouth,go up in flower, there still are a lot of cobbles in pond! Sit elevator arrived 9 buildings 5 rooms, over there my discovery special expanse, it is 3 rooms 2 hall.
Really happy today!
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