阅读理解。 The modern summer Olympic Games which was held in Barcelona, Spain in 1992 was the 25th since it was first held in Athens, Greece in 1896. Do you kno-九年级英语

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     The modern summer Olympic Games which was held in Barcelona, Spain in 1992 was the 25th since
it was first held in Athens, Greece in 1896. Do you know the dates and the places of all the 25 Games, and
also the total of gold medals (金牌总数) the first three teams gained in each game?
No Date Place Totals of Gold Medals
1 1896 Athens, Greece USA. 11; Greece 10; Germany 7
2 1900 Paris, France France 27; USA 19; Britain 17
3 1904 St. Louis, USA USA. 70; Cuba 5; Germany 4
4 1908 London, UK Britain 56; USA 23; Sweden 7
5 1912 Stockholm, Sweden Sweden 24; USA 23; Britain 10
6 1916 Berlin, Germany Not held because of World War I
7 1920 Antwerp, Belgium USA. 41 ; Sweden 19; Britain 15
8 1924 Paris, France USA. 45; Finland 14; France 13
9 1928 Amsterdam, Holland USA. 22; Germany 10; Finland 8
10 1932 Los Angeles, USA USA. 41 ;Italy 12;France 10
11 1936 Berlin, Germany Germany 33; USA 24; Hungary 10
12 1940 Helsinki, Finland Not held because of World War II
13 1944 London, UK Not held because of World War II
14 1948 London, UK USA. 38; Sweden 16; France 10
15 1952 Helsinki, Finland USA. 40; USSR 22; Hungary 10
16 1956 Melbourne, Australia USSR 37; USA 32; Australia 13
17 1960 Rome, Italy USSR 43; USA 34; Italy 13
18 1964 Tokyo, Japan USA. 36; USSR 30; Japan 16
19 1964 Mexico City, Mexico USA. 45; USSR 30; Japan 11
20 1972 Munich, W. G. USSR 50; USA 33; GDR 20
21 1976 Montreal, Canada USSR 49;GDR 40; USA 34
22 1980 Moscow, USSR USSR 80; GDR 47; Bulgaria 8
23 1984 Los Angeles, USA UAS 83; Romania 20; W. G. 17
24 1988 Seoul, S. Korea USSR 55; GDR 37; USA 36
25 1992 Barcelona, Spain CIS45; USA 37; Germany 33
* Note: GDR is East Germany.
1. By the year 1992, the modern summer Olympic Games had been held ______ times in USA.
[     ]
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
2. The Olympics was held successfully in Germany in 1916, wasn't it?
[     ]
A. No, it isn't
B. yes, it did
C. No, it wasn't
D. Yes, it was
3. From the data (资料) we can see that ______.
[     ]
A. every country should hold the Olympic Games in turn
B. any Olympic Games should not be called off (取消) for any reason
C. no peace, no sports
D. if there is a war anywhere, the Olympic Games must be stopped
4. The spirits of the Olympics are            .
[     ]
A. more, higher, and stronger
B. faster, higher, and stronger
C. peace, friend, teamwork
5. The 2008 Olympics will be held in            .
[     ]
A. Canada
B. Japan
C. China
D. Russia
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1. C  2. C  3. C  4. B  5. C

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