阅读理解。 Tokyo may be one of those places that you love and hate at the same time. In Tokyo, there are always too many people in the places where I want to go-九年级英语

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    Tokyo may be one of those places that you love and hate at the same time. In Tokyo, there are always too
many people in the places where I want to go. There are also too many cars. Tokyo drivers often spend a long
time in the busy street, just like drivers in London, Paris and New York.
     Tokyo also has a lot of people on foot, and sometimes it is really difficult to walk in the street. The worst
time in the street is at 11:30 at night. That is because the nightclubs are closing at that time and everybody
wants to go home then. There are 35,000 nightclubs in Tokyo, and usually none of them is empty at night.
     During the day, most people go to work by train. Six million train tickets are sold every year in Tokyo. At
most stations, trains arrive every two or three minutes, but at certain hours it is not enough at all. Although
trains are always crowded, they are very good in many ways. They always leave and arrive on time. In London
trains, you may see everybody reading a newspaper. But in Tokyo trains, everybody seems to be sleepy, no
matter whether his journey is long or short. If you stand outside the station for five minutes, there will be three
fire engines(消防车) going past you. They are on the way to one of the fires that Tokyo has every day. Tokyo
has so many surprises that none of them can really surprise me now.
1. In London, Paris and New York, there are _____ in the street.

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A. a few trains
B. many trains
C. too many cars
D. no cars
2. Japanese trains _____.

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A. don't often leave and arrive on time
B. are not crowded
C. are good for sleep
D. are the important traffic tools for Japanese
3. The business of the nightclubs in Tokyo is _____.

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A. very bad
B. just so so
C. not too good
D. very good
4. From the passage, we can know _____.

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A. the writer like Tokyo more than he hates
B. the writer hates Tokyo more than he likes
C. the writer wants to leave Tokyo as soon as possible
D. the writer has got used to the life in Tokyo
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1-4: CDDD

据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 Tokyo may be one of those places that you love an..”主要考查你对  历史文化类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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