阅读短文,判断下列各题的正误,正确写“A”,错误写“B”。 Some famous places to visit are built by people. Others famous places are made by nature. For example, in-九年级英语

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     Some famous places to visit are built by people. Others famous places are made by nature. For example,
in the northeast of the United States, there was a famous rock on a high mountain that looked just like an old
man. He had lots of hair, a big nose, and a beard (胡须). People called him "The Old Man of the Mountain"
and every year more than a million people came to look at him. Scientists think that the stone face had been
there for about 17,000 years.
     In may 2003, there was very bad weather near the Old Man of the Mountain. There were very high winds
and the temperature was very cold. The sky was so cloudy that people couldn't see the stone face for many
days. As soon as the storm (风暴) was over, people looked for the Old Man and they couldn't see him. They
discovered that he had fallen into pieces (破碎). The stones that made his face sank down the mountain. A
number of scientists climbed up to see if they could repair the stone face, but they had to give up. They
figured out (推断) that the damage (损坏) from the weather was just too bad.
(     )1. The Old Man of the Mountain was built by people.                              
(     )2. The stone face has large collar (衣领) around its neck.                       
(     )3. About 17,000 visitors in a year saw the Old Man of the Mountain.             
(     )4. During the storm and after it ended, people couldn’t see the stone face.     
(     )5. Scientists think high wins and cold caused the Old Man to fallen into pieces.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5      BBBAA

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