阅读理解 For thousands of years,people used different ways to measure things. Some people measured things by using thesize of their king's foot or hand. After-八年级英语

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     For thousands of years,people used different ways to measure things. Some people measured things by using the
size of their king's foot or hand. After the king died,they used the new king's foot, and so on.That wasn't a very good
way to measure things,because it wasn't always clear how big or small a thing really was.
     People all over the world used the sun and the moon to measure time. However, they all had different numbers of
days in a week and different numbers of hours in a day.
     In 1584,a scientist called Simon Stevenius started to think about a set of measures that used the number ten, but no
one was interested in his ideas. About two hundred years later,a group of scientists in France decided to use his ideas.
They thought of ways to measure everything using ten.Some of their ideas weren't popular.One was a new clock which had ten hours a day. Another was  a new calendar(日历) which had ten days a week.
     The scientists agreed to use meters to measure length and they worked out how long a meter should be. Then they
decided to call one hundredth of a meter a centimeter and a thousand meters a kilometer.
1. What was one of the ways that people used to measure things thousands of years ago according to the passage?                                                                               
2. How did people measure time in ancient times?
3. Who started to think about a set of measures that used the number ten?
4. When did the French people start to use meters probably?
5. What do people call a thousand meters?
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1.They measured things by using the size of their king's foot or hand.
2. They used the sun and the moon to measure time.
3. A scientist called Simon Stevenius.
4. In the 1780s.
5. A kilometer.

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