阅读理解。 I really like the Seaview Hotel. It's quite big. It has two hundred rooms. It's only a hundred metres fromthe sea. Bed and breakfast for one nig-八年级英语

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     I really like the Seaview Hotel. It's quite big. It has two hundred rooms. It's only a hundred metres from
the sea. Bed and breakfast for one night is eighty pounds per person. The staff (服务员) are friendly and the
rooms are very clean. It's a nice hotel. The only problem is that it's not near any shops. You have to get a taxi
or a bus if you want to buy presents to take home.
     The Falcon Hotel has eighty rooms. One night with breakfast is seventy-two pounds. It's only seventy
metres to the shops but you have to get a bus to the beach because it's six kilometers from the hotel. The
staff aren't very friendly and the rooms aren't very clean.
1. How many rooms does the Seaview Hotel have?
2. Which one is nearer to the sea? How many meters is it nearer than the other one?
3. What' the Seaview Hotel's problem?
4. How much do we have to pay for one night with breakfast if we live in the Falcon Hotel?
5. Why does the writer not like the Falcon Hotel? 
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1. It has two hundred rooms.
2. The Seaview Hotel is. It is 59 hundred meters nearer than the other one.
3. It's not near any shops.
4. 72 pounds per person.
5. Because it is far away from the beach, the staff there aren't very friendly and the rooms aren't 
    very clean.

据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 I really like the Seaview Hotel. It's quite big..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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