阅读下面短文,完成信息卡:这是某学校通过校长意见箱收集到一些学生的意见和建议。请阅读下文,根据所提供的,完成下列表格。Zhang Hongying, girl, 15I want to make our l-九年级英语

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Zhang Hongying, girl, 15
     I want to make our lunch time longer. At the moment, lunch time is short. Most of
my classmates would like to do their homework during this time. But if they don't get a
good rest, they won't have enough energy for the afternoon. So I would like to have
more time and have time to take a nap (午睡) after lunch. That way, we'll learn better in
the afternoon.
Zhao Pengran, girl, 15 
     I would like to have more chances to talk in English. Now, the English classes are
not enough for us to practice speaking English. I think we'd better have one morning a
week at least to have spoken English lessons in order to improve our English.
Zhou Jiancheng, boy, 15
     My idea would be to have more fashionable school uniforms. If I were the headmaster,
I would ask the students to design the uniforms themselves. We could have a contest
among student designers. Then, we could ask others to choose their favourite. This way,
we'll be able to wear what we like best. How nice it would be for us young people!

                                                    Information Card
1. What would Zhao Pengran like to do in
    order to improve English?
2. What's Zhou Jiancheng's idea? 2.                                                             
3. What would Zhang Hongying like to do
     after lunch?
4. What do most students do during
     lunch time?
5. How old are the students? 5.                                                             
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1. To have one morning a week to have spken English lesson. / Have one morning a week to have
    spken English lesson.
2. To have more fashionable school uniforms. / Having more fashionable school uniforms.
3. To take a nap. / Take a nap.
4. Do their homework.
5. 15

据专家权威分析,试题“阅读下面短文,完成信息卡:这是某学校通过校长意见箱收集到一些学..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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