完形填空。 In the United States, Monday is the beginning of the workweek (工作周). It is the day most Americans like (1) _____. And it is certain that the day -八年级英语

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    In the United States, Monday is the beginning of the workweek (工作周). It is the day most Americans
like (1) _____. And it is certain that the day they like most is Saturday. Saturday is the (2) _____ of the
workweek, and it is the beginning of the weekend. Life is (3) _____ at weekends. Most Americans take care
of their houses, cars or gardens. They (4) _____ the feeling that time seems to move more slowly. The
workweek is for things you have to do, but the (5) _____ is for things you want to do. Some people may get
in a car and go for a (6) _____ in the country. They like to take part in outdoor activities. They (7) _____ go
to a public eating or a film on Saturday night. The (8) _____ of weekends is a recent invention (近期的发明).
In the 1879s, rich people began to speak of (9) _____ weekends in the country visiting friends. For most
people, however, the workday was six days (10) _____.
(     )1. A. most    
(     )2. A. end    
(     )3. A. terrible
(     )4. A. hate    
(     )5. A. weekend 
(     )6. A. walk    
(     )7. A. must    
(     )8. A. day    
(     )9. A. costing 
(     )10. A. long    
B. least   
B. beginning
B. hard     
B. enjoy   
B. weekday    
B. dance   
B. should   
B. idea     
B. spending 
B. short   
C. more    
C. middle  
C. different
C. remember 
C. week    
C. drive  
C. need    
C. programme
C. paying  
C. early  
D. less        
D. starting      
D. same      
D. forget      
D. workweek                       
D. run       
D. might         
D. knowledge 
D. taking        
D. late      
题型:完形填空  难度:偏难


1. B  2. A  3. C  4. B  5. A  6. C  7. D  8. B  9. B  10. A

据专家权威分析,试题“完形填空。 In the United States, Monday is the beginning of ..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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