阅读并完成相关任务。These fat women are Matryoshka from Russia. Children love them very much in the world. They are a kindof popular (受欢迎) dolls. They wear-七年级英语

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       These fat women are Matryoshka from Russia. Children love them very much in the world. They are a kind
of popular (受欢迎) dolls. They wear a smile on their red faces. They have some small red mouths. They wear
special (特殊的) Russia clothes. They look beautiful and colourful. They are hollow (空的) in the middle.
draw, them, peopl, pictures, on, many, nice. People can put five small dolls one after another into a big
tummy (肚子). They are children's good friends. You can see and buy them in the streets of Russia or China.
1. What is the meaning (意思) of the word "Russia" in Chinese (中文)? 
2. How many small dolls can people put into a big tummy? 
3. Where can you see and buy Matryoshka?
4. 把文中划线部分翻译成句子。
5. 将黑体字部分连词成句。
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1. 俄罗斯
2. five small dolls
3. in the streets of Russia or China
4. 它们中间是空的
5. People draw many nice pictures on them / Many people draw nice pictures on them

据专家权威分析,试题“阅读并完成相关任务。These fat women are Matryoshka from Russ..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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