阅读理解。 This is Andy's room. It is not very big, but the window is big and the bedroom is bright. We can see somepictures and a nice kite on the walls. An-七年级英语

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      This is Andy's room. It is not very big, but the window is big and the bedroom is bright. We can see some
pictures and a nice kite on the walls. Andy's bed is small .A clock is on the table and some bottles of milk are
under it. A desk is near the window. The desk is small. Andy puts all her books in the desk and some clothes in
it, too. There are some flowers on Andy's desk. Some are purple, some are red, some are yellow and the others
are white. They are very nice. She likes to help others.
1. Andy's books are ____________. We can't see them.
2. The flowers are in ____________.
3. Andy's bedroom is not ____________. There are many things in it.
4. _____________________________ are on the walls.
5. There is a desk ____________________________.
题型:阅读理解  难度:偏难


1. in her desk
2. four colours
3. empty
4. A nice kite and some pictures
5. near the window

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