阅读理解。 Mr. and Mrs. Green have three daughters (女儿). They are Sue, Rose and Kitty. Sue is sixteen, Rose is twelve and Kitty is fourteen. Their father-七年级英语

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    Mr. and Mrs. Green have three daughters (女儿). They are Sue, Rose and Kitty. Sue is
sixteen, Rose is twelve and Kitty is fourteen. Their father, Mr. Green, is a teacher.
Their mother, Mrs. Green, is a nurse. They love their three daughters very much.
    Sue, Rose and Kitty all like fruit, but they don't like the same fruit. Sue likes
apples. Rose likes bananas. Kitty likes oranges.
    Now Mr. and Mrs. Green don't call their real (真正的) names at home. They call Sue
"Apple", Rose "Banana" and Kitty "Orange". The children like their own nicknames (绰号)
very much. Often they call each other's nicknames, too.
1. There are _____ people in the family.
[     ]
A. three
B. four
C. five
D. six
2. Mr Green work in a _____.
[     ]
A. school
B. shop
C. bookshop
D. hospital (医院)
3. "Apple" is _____ years old.
[     ]
A. 11
B. 12
C. 14
D. 16
4. "Orange" is _____ nickname.
[     ]
A. Sue's
B. Kitty's
C. Rose's
D. Mr Green's
5. Sue doesn't like _____.
[     ]
A. apples or bananas
B. oranges or apples
C. pears or apples
D. bananas or oranges
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5 CADBD  

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