阅读短文,并填入适当的词。(首字母已给出) What must you do when you get a present for your birthday? You have to sit down and write a thank-you note. The word -七年级英语

首页 > 考试 > 英语 > 初中英语 > 日常生活类阅读/2019-11-12 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


    What must you do when you get a present for your birthday? You have to sit down and
write a thank-you note. The word "thanks" is very i______ (1). We have to use them very
often. We say them when someone gives us drink, helps us to pick up things, hands us a
letter or lends us a book. It is rude(粗鲁) to ask someone to do something w______ (2)
saying "please". We have to use it when we ask for s_____ (3), too.
    We have to learn to say "sorry", too. When we have h______ (4) someone, we'll have
to go up and say we're sorry. When we have forgotten something, we will say "sorry". We
can make people forget w______ (5) by saying it.
题型:填空题  难度:中档


1. important  2. without  3. something  4. hurt  5. wrong

据专家权威分析,试题“阅读短文,并填入适当的词。(首字母已给出) What must you do w..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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