阅读理解。 My elder brother is Bob. He works very long hours every day. He usually gets up at 5:10. He brusheshis teeth and has a shower. Then he eats his br-七年级英语

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     My elder brother is Bob. He works very long hours every day. He usually gets up at 5:10. He brushes
his teeth and has a shower. Then he eats his breakfast. After breakfast he plays the piano. Then he goes
to work. He takes the number 18 bus to work at seven o'clock. He works all day. He gets home at 5:00
in the afternoon, and after dinner, he watches TV.
1. What does Bob do after breakfast?

[     ]

A. plays the piano.
B. Takes a shower.
C. Brushes his teeth.
2. When does Bob get up?

[     ]

A. At 5:20.
B. At 5:10.
C. At 6:00.

3. When does Bob get home in the evening?

[     ]

A. At 5:20.
B. At 5:00.
C. At 6:00.
4. Bob takes _____ to work.

[     ]

A. the number 18 bus
B. the number 15 bus
C. the number 17 bus
5. What does he do after dinner?

[     ]

A. Plays the piano.
B. Watches TV.
C. Takes a shower.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5 A B B A B

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