阅读理解。 Sandy was given a bike for her birthday. She thought it was very beautiful. When her father came home from work on Friday afternoon, they went out t-八年级英语

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      Sandy was given a bike for her birthday. She thought it was very beautiful. When her father came
home from work on Friday afternoon, they went out to buy it. Sandy often walked past the shop and
knew there was a red one in the middle of the showroom. That was the one she wanted. The colour is
silver and there was black tape (装饰带) round the handle bars (把手). It had a reflector on the back
wheel (轮子) and a big lamp in the front.   
     The shopkeeper put the bike in the back of her father's car. They drove home. Sandy's father gave
her the bike right away. You know the next day was her birthday.
1. There was _____ on the back wheel of the bike.

[     ]

A. a lamp
B. a reflector
C. a mirror
D. tape
2. The birthday present that Sandy wanted was _____.

[     ]

A. outside the bike shop
B. in the middle of the showroom
C. in front of the shop
D. in the shop window
3. Sandy's birthday was on _____.

[     ]

A. Saturday
B. Friday 
C. Monday  
D. Thursday
4. Sandy thought her new bike was_____.

[     ]

A. unusual
B. big
C. beautiful
D. small
5. Sandy got her birthday present _____.

[     ]

A. the next day
B. after supper
C. On Saturday
D. When they got home
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5  BBACD

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