阅读理解。 Whose house is this? It's Dawson's new house in the village of Belmont. It's a little village near a big city. There are two small lakes in Belm-八年级英语

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      Whose house is this? It's Dawson's new house in the village of Belmont. It's a little village
near a big city. There are two small lakes in Belmont, and the family live near one of them. They
like it very much.
      Mrs Dawson is usually busy with her housework. She gets the meals, cleans the house,
washes the clothes, and does the shopping for the family. Her daughter Ann helps her a little
every day. Mr Dawson sometimes helps his wife, too.
     Many people here are moving from the city to the village. The village is like a little town.
It's usually more quiet and more friendly. It also has many new houses with big yards (院子).
1. Who is the busiest in the Dawsons?

[     ]

A. Mr Dawson.
B. Mrs Dawson and her daughter.
C. Mrs Dawson.
D. Mr Dawson and his daughter.
2. Where is Belmont?

[    ]

A. It's near a big city.
B. It's near a big town.
C. It's near another city.
D. It's near two lakes.
3. Mr Dawson _____.

[     ]

A. often helps Mrs Dawson
B. helps Mrs Dawson every day
C. never helps Mrs Dawson
D. sometimes helps Mrs Dawson
4. Ann _____.

[     ]

A. doesn't like their house
B. never helps her mother
C. helps her mother with the housework every day
D. sometimes helps her mother
5. Many people are moving to the village because _____.

[    ]

A. there are lakes near the village
B. the village looks like the city
C. there are many new buildings in the village
D. the village is more quiet and friendly than the city
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档



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