Red is used in many American expressions. It can be used to show happiness, as in the expression “a red-letter day”. This is a day when something special happe-九年级英语

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Red is used in many American expressions. It can be used to show happiness, as in the expression “a red-letter day”. This is a day when something special happens. The expression is probably based on church customs. For almost 600 years, church calendars have been marked with red to show special holy(神圣的)days. Today’s calendars are still marked that way with the dates of holidays and special days printed in red.
The expression “a red-letter day”is often heard in daily life. “A red-letter day” is a day that people are especially happy. It may be a day that you have waited for a long time, a wedding day, for example. Or it may be a day with a happy surprise. You might tell a friend that yesterday was a red-letter day, because you won some money in the lottery.
“Rolling out the red carpet” is another commonly heard expression. It describes an especially warm welcome of any kind. A city may “roll out the carpet ”for its baseball team, when the team arrives home after winning a championship. A group of supporters go to the air port to the greet the team. The red-carpet welcome includes a lot of cheering by thousands of fans, a parade, music and speech of praise by local statesmen.
Red is also used in some expressions that are not happy. “Red-handed ” is an example. To be caught “red-handed” is to be found in an act of wrong doing. The evidence is clear. You are guilty. Today we use the expression “ to be caught red-handed ”in situation(情况)that are not serious. For example, a mother might say she caught her son red-handed, taking cookies out of the cookie jar.
Some American Expressions with __小题1:___
Be used for_小题2:__
a red -letter day
a day that people are happy
a day with a ___小题3:__
rolling out the red carpet
describes an especially warm___小题4:_____
Be used in_小题5:expressions
to be caught red-hanged
to be found doing a wrong action can’t be used in a serious situation

题型:阅读理解  难度:中档



试题分析:这篇文章主要介绍了red红色在很多美国用语表达中的文化意义。一方面,红色用于表示快乐和惊喜,如a red-letter-day节日,假日,大喜日, 红色也可以表示欢迎,如rolling out the red carpet隆重地欢迎(热忱接待); 另一方面,红色也可以表示不开心,如red-handed当场,正在作案。
小题2:细节理解题。从It can be used to show happiness从得知应用动词show,而for是介词,介词后用动词-ing形式。故填showing。
小题3:细节理解题。从Or it may be a day with a happy surprise这句话中得知,应填surprise。
小题4:细节理解题。“Rolling out the red carpet” is another commonly heard expression. It describes an especially warm welcome of any kind.从这句话中可以看出红色还可用于表示欢迎的用语中。故填welcome。
小题5:细节理解题。Red is also used in some expressions that are not happy.红色还可以用于一些表示不高兴的用语中。故用unhappy。

据专家权威分析,试题“Red is used in many American expressions. It can be used to..”主要考查你对  社会现象类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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  • 描述社会现象英语:
    安居工程 housing project for low-income families
    安居小区 a neighborhood for low-income families
    保障妇女就业权利to guarantee women’s right to employment
    补发拖欠的离退休人员统筹项目内的养老金 All back pension entitlements have been paid for the retired covered by the overall government plan.
    裁定保险赔偿 adjudication of benefits
    城镇居民最低生活保障 guarantee of subsistence allowances for urban residents
    城镇社会保障体系the social security system in urban areas
    城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban employees
    大力推行个人助学信贷 Personal loans to finance education should be vigorously promoted.
    待业人员 job seekers
    待遇优厚的工作 a well-paid job
    单亲家庭 single parent family
    定向培训 training for specific posts
    独生子女 the only child
    对保障方案进行精算评估 Security programs should undergo actuarial review.
    对口扶贫 provide poverty alleviation aid to the designated sister regions
    福利分房 buy a benefit-oriented apartment from the organization one works with
    岗位培训 on-job training
    个人自愿计划 voluntary private plans
    工伤保险制度the on-job injury insurance system

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