阅读理解。 Many years ago. People ate fruit with ice. Later, they began to eat cream with ice. This was called icecream.At first, ice cream was just for rich-八年级英语
阅读理解。 |
Many years ago. People ate fruit with ice. Later, they began to eat cream with ice. This was called ice cream. At first, ice cream was just for rich people. It cost a lot of money. But people found easier ways to make ice cream. Now it is for everyone. Ice cream is one of the best-liked foods in the world. |
1. Long ago ice cream was just for ______ people. |
A. rich B. fat C. silly |
2. This story tells about how ice cream ______. |
A. is sold B. tastes C. has changed |
3. In the second part of the story, what does the word "just" mean? |
A. fair B. only C. even |
4. Ice cream is for everyone now because ______. |
A. everyone is rich B. fruit tastes good with ice C. people found easier ways to make it |
5. You can guess from the story that ice cream is ______. |
A. a cold food B. good for you C. made with lemons Practice1 |
1-5 ACBCA |
据专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 Many years ago. People ate fruit with ice. Late..”主要考查你对 日常生活类阅读 等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
- 日常生活类阅读:
- 最新内容
- 相关内容
- 网友推荐
- 图文推荐
上一篇:短文填空。 Dogs are very lovely pets. They are very1 to people and very beautiful, too. Most dogs get on well with2 and their parents. Others are god watch-do-九年级英语
下一篇:完形填空。 Look1the woman in a yellow coat.2 is my teacher. She teaches3English. She is a good teacher.Her4 is Wang Hong. Her bike is red.5 under the tree.-七年级英语
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