阅读理解。 Tom is a tall boy. He is 178cm tall. He lives in America. On Sunday morning he likes to go to see his friend. His name is Eric. He is a boy. He -七年级英语

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     Tom is a tall boy. He is 178cm tall. He lives in America. On Sunday morning he likes to go to see his
friend. His name is Eric. He is a boy. He has a good garden (花园). There are (有) many trees and roses in
the garden. They are apple trees, orange trees and other (其他的) fruit trees. There are many fruits on the
trees. There are many birds in the garden, too. They are happy. The birds sing in the trees. Tom and Eric
listen to the birds and sing songs with (和┄┄ 一起) them. They draw pictures of birds.
      It's time for lunch. They are hungry. They go to a restaurant. Tom wants some dumplings. Eric would
like a bowl of noodles. After lunch, they go to see movies. They see an action movie. Its name is "Sharp
1. Tom _____.
A. has a boy friend
B. is a short boy
C. lives in China
2. Here are many _____ in the garden.
A. flowers
B. cats and dogs
C. fruit trees and flowers
3. _____ sing in the tree.
A. Tom and Eric
B. Birds
C. Fruit
4. Tom and Eric _____.
A. don't like singing
B. don't like birds
C. like birds
5. They _____ after lunch.
A. go to swim
B. play soccer
C. go to movies
D. go home
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5  ACBCC

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