阅读理解。 Forests are large pieces of land covered with big trees. They are found all over the world, especially in places where there is enough sunshine and m-九年级英语

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     Forests are large pieces of  land covered with big trees. They are found all over the world, especially in
places where there is enough sunshine and much rainfall. 1______  To build a house, we need wood for
doors and windows. Beautiful chairs and tables are also made of wood.
     Teak (柚木) wood is very useful for ship-building. It is used for all parts of a ship where wood and
metal come in contact (接触), for it has a kind of oil to keep metal away from rust (铁锈). 2______ For this,
teak wood is an important railway building material.
     Forests are no less important than useful. They are the home of wild animals. Without them, those animals
would run among the places where we live and work. 3______
     Forests are helpful to weather, too. When it is very hot, they can be a good place for people to stay away
from the sun. In winter, they can keep us from the cold. Forests can also stop the land from being washed
away by heavy rain for the trees hold the soil together. 4______
A. There would be no peace for man.
B. So it would be foolish to cut down trees freely.
C. Many kinds of materials (材料) come from forests.
D. It can also stop the attack (攻击) of white ants and other insects.
5. What's the best title for the passage?
A. Forests and Animals
B. Forests are all Over the World
C. Forests are Important
D. We never Cut Down the Trees
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


1-5     CDABC

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