阅读理解。 Very often, new-born babies are not beautiful. They are wrinkled (多皱的) or hairless, or they have an angry look on their faces. They seem to say, -九年级英语

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     Very often, new-born babies are not beautiful. They are wrinkled (多皱的) or hairless, or they have an
angry look on their faces. They seem to say, "Get away! I hate everybody." But to a parent, that hairless,
wrinkled, angry-faced baby is the most beautiful and perfect (完美的) child in the world. When that proud
father or mother asks you, "Well, what do you think … isn't she beautiful?" what are you going to say? Is this
the time for the truth? Of course not!
     When you look at that proud father, you should say, "Yes, she is! She's really a beauty. She's one in a
million. She's going to be a movie star! She's as beautiful as a picture."
     In English, this is a white lie. White lies don't hurt people. They are not cruel (残忍的) or angry words.
People use them to make a difficult thing a little easier. When people don't want to meet someone, or eat
something new that they really don't like at a friend's house, they tell a white lie. They are trying to be kind.
They feel that being kind is sometimes more important.
1. Parents are usually ________ when their new babies are born.
A. angry
B. proud
C. sad
D. surprised
2. When a parent asks what you think of their new baby, they want you to _________.
A. tell the truth
B. say what you like
C. tell lies
D. say good words
3. From the passage we can know that __________.
A. a new-born baby hates everyone around her
B. a new-born baby is the most beautiful one
C. people who tell white lies are not kind
D. people who tell white lies want to be kind
4. Which of the following is a white lie?
A. You broke the window but you say you didn't.
B. You know Jack has stolen a watch but you say you don't.
C. You don't think his first drawing is great but you say it is.
D. You tell a parent that the new-born baby isn't beautiful.
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


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