阅读理解。 Laura Brent is a manager in an important company. She has three children-the eldest is 10, and youngest is three. "My job was only possible because-九年级英语

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     Laura Brent is a manager in an important company. She has three children-the eldest is 10, and youngest
is three. "My job was only possible because my husband David was prepared to take my place and become a
house husband," she says.
     More and more couples are finding this arrangement suits them better in today's world, where women are
rising to the top of their careers faster and more easily than they did in the past. Many men, on the other hand,
like the idea of staying at home and looking after the children. "My children see a lot more of me than I saw
of my father when I was young, and I think it's better for them, especially for the boys," says David. "It works
just as well for Laura."
     "Now I can come home from a hard day at work, and immediately relax with the children, instead of
having to do the housework and the cooking," she says.
     Is there anything David misses about going out to work?
     "Not really. I suppose the worst thing about looking after children and doing the housework is not having
a lunch break! It's a lot harder than most men think."
1. How many people are there in Laura's family?
A. 2.
B. 3.
C. 4.
D. 5.
2. Who does most of the housework in the family?
A. Laura.
B. David.
C. The children.
D. David's parents.
3.What does Laura usually do after coming back from work?
A. Cook for the family.
B. Take children from school.
C. Take a good rest with the children.
D. Wash dishes and sweep the floor.
4. What does David think of his job at home?
A. Hard.
B. Easy.
C. Boring.
D. Fun
5. One of the reasons why men choose to stay at home is that ________.
A. children hate to stay with their mothers
B. men are better at looking after the children
C. women do better at work than they did before
D. children want their fathers to help them with the homework
题型:阅读理解  难度:中档


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