阅读短文,根据括号中的汉语意思填入单词,使短文意思完整、通顺。每空一词。 Born in the city, we regard the country life as something far away. We are used to eve-九年级英语

首页 > 考试 > 英语 > 初中英语 > 日常生活类阅读/2019-11-12 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


     Born in the city, we regard the country life as something far away. We are used to everything in the city.
We are even getting used to the noises and  1______ (污染) in the city. It has become a part of our life. I have
 2______ (从不) been to the country. Nature is a word strange to us. This 3______ (夏天) I had the
opportunity to go with my parents on a visit to countryside.
     For the first time in my life I have the experience with the country life. Here I 4______ (意识) what a life
of nature is. This is a small 5______ (乡村) far from cities. It is at the foot of a mountain. The life there is
simple. It is 6______ (不同的) from the city life.
     There are few cars or other traffic on the way. The air is fresh. The sky is high. The people are friendly.
They are not as busy as the people in the big city. 7______ (到处) you can find people bathing in the sun. They
8______ (喝) clean water. The water comes from the mountain. They 9______ (享受) the quiet life very much. What's more, there you can hear the sound of nature. You can see the children playing with water in the river
and the dogs running after the people. All these make a 10______ (极好的,精彩的) picture of countryside.
How I love the country life!
题型:填空题  难度:中档


1. pollution  2. never  3. summer  4. realize / know  5. village
6. different  7. Everywhere  8. drink  9. enjoy  10. wonderful / great

据专家权威分析,试题“阅读短文,根据括号中的汉语意思填入单词,使短文意思完整、通顺..”主要考查你对  日常生活类阅读  等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:



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